Mr Habr goes to Mariánské Lázně with Mr Nožička and his daughter Eva. Habr is hoping to bring his son Jára to his senses, since he is frittering away his money with a singer called Ossi. Nožička wants to have fun in the spa town but his energetic wife has ordered him to tactfully get Eva acquainted with the large landowner Roudenský, whom she has selected to be her daughter's husband. But everything goes differently to what was expected. Eva falls for the singer Frank. Nožička has an affair with Ossi but gets mixed up with Ossi's false husbend Roudenský's chauffeur, the fraudster Karel who is posing as Roudenský. To avoid scandal Nožička pays him 500 crowns. But the complications, far from being resolved, culminate with the arrival of Nožička's wife Matylda. Everybody gathers around one table. Frank and Jára both introduce themselves to Matylda as Roudenskýs. Matylda checks to see if these Roudenskýs are related. Nožička has to pay Karel another 500 crowns so that his wife does not find out about his affair.
The original negative and the original sound negative 1 972,0 metres and the combined print are preserved in the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin.
továrník Jakob Lauff
Erika, Lauffova dcera
Adele, Lauffova žena
jazzový hudebník Frank Wellner
zpěvačka a tanečnice Ossy Walden
Haberland, Lauffův přítel
Peter Stengel, Lauffův synovec
Franz Robert Arnold (Stöpsel – fraška), Ernst Bach (Stöpsel – fraška)
Alexander Dembo
Song Composer Otto Stránský
Writer of Lyrics Otto StránskýRichard Rillo
Singer Kardosch-Sänger
Tisíc za jednu noc [německá verze]
Tisíc za jednu noc [německá verze]
Thousand for One Night [German version]
Tausend für eine Nacht
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Germany
date of censorship 6 December 1932
premiere abroad 10 January 1933 (Berlín, Německo)
premiere 12/1933 /inaccessible for youths/
feature film
76 min
2 151 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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