Eva, daughter of factory owner Konrád, runs away from home because she cannot accept her father's remarriage. When she finally decides to return home she falls into a lake in the Tatra mountains. The innkeeper in the tavern "U divoké krásy", Maryna, lends Eva a dress. At this time Kamil, the young director of Konrád's factory, visits the pub with his chauffeur Toník. Toník soon wins over Maryna, whom he takes to be Eva's employee. Kamil falls for Eva, whom he thinks a innkeeper because of her clothes, and tries to kiss her. Eva consents to the kiss so long as Kamil then marries her. When Kamil explains that he cannot marry a common publican, Eva decides to punish the young man. She pretends she is considering an offer of marriage made her by Kytličko, a widow considerably older than her, and that she will only turn Kytličko down if Kamil pledges in writing to marry her. Kamil loses his temper and leaves. On the way, however, he realises he loves her. He returns and accepts Eva's condition. Maryna's uncle then comes into the tavern and, because of the women's confusion, he cannot understand who is marrying who. Luckily Eva's father arrives and puts everything in order to the satisfaction of everybody.
Eva Konrádová
továrník Konrád, Evin otec
Konrádova druhá choť
vychovatelka Marta
ředitel továrny Kamil Hojer
řidič u Hojera Toník
šenkýřka Maryna Hurbanová
hostinský Kytličko
starosta Parkoš, strýc Maryny
průvodce cestovní kanceláře
turista karbaník
turista karbaník
turista karbaník
podomek Josífek
Josef Skružný (Románek na horách – divadelní hra)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer mužský hlasFanda Mrázek
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Fanda MrázekZdena Kavková
Šenkýřka „U divoké krásy“
Šenkýřka „U divoké krásy“
The Innkeeper "U divoké krásy"
Šenkýřka z Vysokých Tater
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 06/1932
premiere 24 June 1932 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adria /3 týdny/ a Gaumont /9 týdnů/, Praha)
feature film
96 min
2 715 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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