In February 1842 assistant teacher Karel Čermák comes to the small village of Pozdětín in the Krkonoše Mountains. He was brought up by his grandparents. When his grandfather the teacher died, Karel had to leave off his studies to care for his grandmother. He never knew his mother, she had died when he was still quite small. She had been employed as a servant and the man who seduced her did not marry her. The teacher Čížek and his wife and the distinctive vicar Stehlík amicably accepted Karel. Karel's fear of his new surroundings soon dissipates. Albínka, the niece of the vicar's housekeeper Pepička becomes Karel's secret love. The outspoken patriots organize a party for Czechs in Pozdětín. The only dark cloud is the behaviour of the widow of the late miller Žalák who divulges that Karel is an illegitimate child. Albínka's father takes his daughter home. For several inhabitants of the village a visit to Prague is a great holiday. Upon returning home they learn that the then proprietress of the estate has died. Her heir is Count Vladimír, a progressive man and a good Czech. At the celebration given in his honor Karel sings Škroup's song Kde domov můj. When the Count visits Pozdětín after some time, he offers the hard-working Čermák a position as a teacher in Mílov and recommends that he brings with him Albínka, as Mrs. Čermáková.
At the beginning of the film there are shots of the writer K. V. Rais.
farář Stehlík
švec Adam Hejnů
ševcova žena
preceptor Čermák
učitel Václav Čížek
učitelova žena
Albínka, Podzimkova dcera
Pepička, Albínčina teta
vrchní rada Michael Maxa z Mílova
zpěvačka z Prahy
Karel Tarant, Čermákův otec
hrabě Vladimír
kočí pantáta Češka z Lánů
panský úředník na večírku
panský úředník na večírku
houslista na večírku
zpěvák na kruchtě
Podzimková, Albínčina matka
žena v kostele
Karel Václav Rais (Zapadlí vlastenci – román)
Anna Suchardová-Brichová, Lauermann
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Bedřich Smetana (Libuše /fanfáry/ – opera), Carl Maria von Weber (Čarostřelec /Der Freischütz/ – opera)
Song Composer František Škroup
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Nora Stallich
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Schäfer
Singer Nora Stallich
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Singer Nora Stallich
Singer Nora Stallichsbor
Song Composer Josef Leopold Zvonař
Writer of Lyrics Václav Jaromír Picek
Singer dětský sbor
Song Composer Carl Maria von Weber
Writer of Lyrics Johann Friedrich Kind
Singer Hana Míšková
Zapadlí vlastenci
Zapadlí vlastenci
Forgotten Patriots
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 10/1932 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 10/1937 (kulturně-výchovný; konec povolení k promítání 1942)
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1940
premiere 28 October 1932 /suitable for youths/ (kina Gaumont /3 týdny/, Hollywood /3 týdny/ a Passage /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
86 min
2 450 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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