Mr Načeradec, the owner of a clothes shop, spends most of his leisure time in a café where he drinks mineral water and plays chess with his competitor, Mr Dundr. By chance, Načeradec's daughter Edith begins her work as a lawyer at the same time as her friend, Dundr's son. Mr Načeradec frequently steps in for Mr Findajs at the card table when the latter prefers to call upon the wife of another cardplayer, Mr Tachecí, the owner of a detective agency. Načeradec keeps his winnings, and Findajs has to pay out. One day Načeradec finds himself an unfortunate kibitzer during a card game and a serious row ensues between him and Dundr which ends up in court. Both gentlemen are represented by their own children who take the situation more as a joke. Načeradec is sentenced to twenty-four hours in prison. After hearing the verdict he becomes "seriously" ill, but it is only now that the two rivals are reconciled. Edith and young Dundr celebrate their wedding. Mr Tachecí finds out about his wife's infidelity and is finally able to divorce her with peace of mind.
Free sequel of the film Men Offside (1931; dir. Svatopluk Innemann).
obchodník Richard Načeradec
Hedvika, Načeradcova žena
advokátka Edith, dcera Načeradcových
obchodník a komorní rada Jaroslav Dundr
mladý advokát, Dundrův syn
majitel detektivní kanceláře Kamil Tachecí
Marie, žena Tachecího
obchodní zástupce Fred Oliver Findajs
MUDr. Hugo Bondy
Kristýna, služka u Načeradců
Pepík, učedník u Načeradce
páter Boháč
vytrvalý čtenář novin v kavárně
srdcový král ve snu
kulový král ve snu
zelený král ve snu
Lejčková, napadená žena u soudu
Ždímalová, Edithina klientka u soudu
tlustý tanečník, řezník
hráč kulečníku
hráč kulečníku
koktavý hráč forbesu
prodavačka hraček
prodejkyně s krůtou u Dundra
prodejce s kolekcí u Dundra
prodejce se vzorky u Dundra
chodec na ulici
host v kavárně
Karel Poláček (Hráči – motivy z novely)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Georges Bizet (Carmen /Toreadore smělý/), Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Svatební pochod)
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Karel Poláček
Singer Hugo HaasTheodor SchützJosef ZoraJosef Loskot
Song Composer Rudolf Friml
Writer of Lyrics Jan Červenka
Singer Jaroslav VojtaHugo Haas
Song Composer Ruby CowanPhil Boutelje
Writer of Lyrics Philip Bartholomae
Singer ženský hlas
Song Composer Robert Stolz
Writer of Lyrics Walter ReischArmin Robinson
Singer Marie Grossová
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Načeradec, král kibiců
Načeradec, král kibiců
Načeradec, King of the Kibitzers
Načeradec, kníže kibiců
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 15 December 1931
date of censorship 8 February 1932
premiere 12 February 1932 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adria /3 týdny/, Kotva /2 týdny/ a Lucerna /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
101 min
2 865 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, English
without subtitles
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