First lieutenant Patera is awaiting punishment for his part in a duel, however, to his surprise, he is instead appointed adjutant to Prince Evžen. The latter is to be married to Princess Anna Luisa so he says farewell to his lover Pepi. He wants to see her one last time but, since the princess is having him followed by the policeman Guth, he sends his new aide a written command to bring Pepi to the Belvedere and to amuse her until his arrival. By mistake Patera brings the wrong girl. The prince knows neither his new adjutant nor the strange girl, so he sits somewhere else. Patera meanwhile buys everyone drinks, gets drunk at the prince's expense and, having given up waiting for him, tries to run off in women's clothes. He is caught and as punishment is transferred to a remote garrison in Mňuk. Before he leaves, however, he helps a friendly young man, in whom he has not recognised Prince Evžen, to meet up with Pepi. Six months later Patera is given leave and he asks to be returned to his regiment. The vengeful lieutenant-colonel Kinzl refuses his request but, in the end, it is he who, at the prince's command, has to go off to Mňuk. Patera is allowed to remain and is promoted.
After a re-examination by the censors the planned screening of this film on 6. 3. 1934 in Germany was banned.
nadporučík Alois Patera
princezna Anna Luisa
princ Eugen Savojský
Pepi Kalasch, majitelka obchodu s kravatami
nadporučík Kinzel
rytmistr Richard Mader
císař František Josef I.
houslistka dámského orchestru v baru Belvedere
vrchní v baru Belvedere
druhý kuchař posádky v Mňuku
Mizzi, zpěvačka a číšnice v kavárně Maxim
číšnice v kavárně Maxim
sekundant při souboji
komorná princezny
starší komorná princezny
dvorní dodovatel
dvorní dodovatel
velitel roty
číšník v baru Belvedere
číšník v baru Belvedere
číšník v baru Belvedere/komorník
opilec s trubkou
host v baru Belvedere
host v baru Belvedere
houslista v kavárně Maxim
vojenský sluha posádky v Mňuku
vojín posádky v Mňuku
bytná rytmistra Richarda Madera
majitelka klempířství
členky dámského orchestru v baru Belvedere
Martin Frič, Curt Bois (německá dialogová režie)
Emil Artur Longen (Kasta pro sebe – divadelní hra)
Václav Wasserman, Walter Taub, Hanuš Burger, Curt Bois (dialogy)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Georges Bizet (Carmen /Toreadore smělý/)
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Hans Regina von Nack
Singer Else Lord
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Hans Regina von Nack
Singer Vlasta Burian
Pobočník Jeho Výsosti [německá verze]
Pobočník Jeho Výsosti [německá verze]
His Highness' Adjutant [German version]
Der Adjutant seiner Hoheit / Ich und der Kaiser / Der Adjutant Seiner Majestät
Pobočník Jeho Veličenstva / Kasta pro sebe
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 14 April 1933 (konec povolení k promítání 14. 4. 1938)
premiere 30 November 1933 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Urania /2 týdny/, Praha)
premiere abroad 5 January 1934 (Berlín, Německo)
feature film
80 min
2 540 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles