Three young men - Hronek, Dolan and Horský - take over ownership of the daily newspaper Independence. In the advertising column Dolan notices a peculiar notice. He eventually decodes it and discovers there is going to be a meeting of spies at the Czech-German border. The young men set off for the appointed place and find a murdered girl there. A reporter called Helena from a rival newspaper joins in the investigation, as does the German commissar Sander. Sander suspects a certain Pavel Král of the murder. He persuades Helena to lure Král over the German border. Dolan finds out in the meantime, however, that Sander is a spy, and he manages to save Král in the nick of time. Král, whose real name is Rydvan, has got information on weapons stockpiles in Germany for Czechoslovak intelligence. He has hidden the information in skies. Sander finds out where the information is hidden, takes the documents and swallows them. Fortunately Rydvan remembers the location of the stockpiles. The head of Czechoslovak intelligence wants to give orders for the destruction of the stockpiles but finally realises this would lead to war and abandons his plan.
reportérka Helena Radová zvaná D'Artagnan
reportér Bedřich Hronek zvaný Aramis
reportér Rudolf Dolan zvaný Porthos
reportér Jan Horský zvaný Athos
komisař Sander
šéf české kontrašpionáže
Pavel Rydvan alias Pavel Král
Josef Rydvan, Pavlův otec
zakladatel listu Neodvislost
strážmistr pohraniční stráže
JUDr. Kroutský, notář
smuteční host
smuteční host
smuteční host
továrník Hraboš
Rudi, host v horském hotelu
kapitán pohraniční stráže
hlas Sanderova agenta
Pěvecký sbor Ipos (Music Conducted by Bořivoj Fromm)
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Josef Gruss
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Antonín Novotný
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Pěvecký sbor Ipos
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Lída BaarováJosef GrussVladimír HavlíčekAntonín Novotný
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Sedmá velmoc
Sedmá velmoc
The Seventh Power
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, spy
date of censorship 10/1933
withdrawal from distribution 03/1939
premiere 17 November 1933 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Fénix /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
86 min
2 447 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, German
without subtitles
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