Baron Jan Dolanský is a childless widower, thus he showers his love and attention on his nephew Max. Max, however, has become over-sensitive and so the baron, fearful of the future of his line, decides to find a strong, healthy bride for him, without regard for her origins or education. He finds this girl in Madla, the oldest of twelve children of the widow Lísková. At his castle, the baron tries to turn Madla into the perfect young lady who would be suitable for Max. His endeavours are successful. Max is in love but he behaves coolly towards Madla since he is under the impression that his uncle brought her there for himself. The wealthy, childless farmer František Rybka yearns for children. When he cannot have his own, he seeks the services of a match-maker and marries the widow Lísková. He also longs to see the twelfth child from his new family settled in a good marriage, thus Lísková sets out to visit Madla. During a banquet at the castle, Max discovers that Madla had been destined to become his wife from the very beginning and he tells her of his love for her. Shortly after the wedding the couple are blessed with two children, to the great joy of the grandfather, Baron Dolanský.
Madla Lísková
Antonie Lísková, Madlina matka
majitel panství Jan Dolanský
hrabě Max, synovec Dolanského
komorník Holoušek
statkář František Rybka
komorná Anička
komorník Antonín
žena na hřbitově
učitelka bontonu
Maxův přítel
guvernantka Antonie
učitelka rytmiky
synek Madly a Maxe
učitelka češtiny
učitel francouzštiny
host na večírku
Kačenka, dcera Antonie Lískové
syn Antonie Lískové
syn Antonie Lískové
syn Antonie Lískové
syn Antonie Lískové
Olga Scheinpflugová (Madla z cihelny – divadelní hra)
Antonín Frič (fotograf), František Rubáš (fotograf)
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Hugo Haas
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Setleři
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Saša RazovOtakar Hanuš
Singer Vladimír BorskýSetleři
Madla z cihelny
Madla z cihelny
Madla from the Brickworks
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 09/1933
date of censorship 11/1938 (konec povolení k promítání 1943)
premiere 22 September 1933 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Kotva /3 týdny/, Lucerna /3 týdny/ a Metro /4 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
113 min
3 227 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Event: Zlatá medaile časopisu Filmový kurýr
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Vladimír Slavínský
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