Žižkov barber Ferdinand Šuplátko is surprised by news of an inheritance that he has been left by his aunt in Warsaw. He leaves for Warsaw but is extremely disappointed. All that is left in her empty flat are twelve antique armchairs and a painting of the dead aunt. A Warsaw antiques dealer is willing to buy them from him. Šuplátko takes them all away at once, piled up into a pyramid. He does not notice that one of them has got caught on the gates of an orphanage and remains hanging there. After he returns home he finds a letter behind the painting in which his aunt informs him that one hundred thousand dollars have been sewn into the upholstery of one of the chairs. Šuplátko rushes back to the antique shop but the chairs have already been sold. Šuplátko arranges with the antiques dealer that they will look for the chairs and then split the profits. After various adventures they eventually find the armchairs but not the money. The disappointed men walk past the orphanage which is celebrating Orphan Day. Both men listen dumbfounded to a speech given by the director: she thanks the anonymous donor for giving these abandoned children one hundred thousand dollars which had been found hidden in the lining of the upholstery.
holič Ferdinand Šuplátko
starožitník Władysław Kamil Klepka
ředitelka sirotčince
správkyně sirotčince
Apollo Rozenmann, majitel obchodu s nábytkem
úředník Repecki
harfenista, profesorův pomocník
zaměstnankyně sirotčince
zaměstnankyně sirotčince
medvěd ve vlaku
pes v holičství
hlas zákazníka v holičství
Ilja Ilf (Dvanáct křesel – povídka), Jevgenij Petrov (Dvanáct křesel – povídka)
Martin Frič, Karel Lamač, Eduard Šimáček (spolupráce na scénáři), Josef Mach (spolupráce na scénáři)
Marian Szyjkowski
Stephot (fotograf)
Symfoniczny jazz (Music Conducted by Iwo Wesby)
Song Composer Władysław Dan
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav MottlMarjan Hemar
Singer Vlasta BurianAdolf Dymsza
Song Composer Władysław Dan
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Vlasta Burian
Song Composer Władysław Dan
Writer of Lyrics Marjan Hemar
Singer Adolf Dymsza
Song Composer Władysław Dan
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Vlasta Burian
Singer dětský sbor
Dvanáct křesel
Dvanáct křesel
Twelve Armchairs
Dwanaście krzesel
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Poland
start of filming 9 June 1933
end of filming 11 July 1933
date of censorship 09/1933
withdrawal from distribution 05/1940
date of censorship 05/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
gala premiere 19 September 1933 (kino Fénix, Praha)
premiere 22 September 1933 /suitable for youths/ (kino Fénix /5 týdnů/, Praha)
premiere abroad 5 October 1933 (kino Casino, Varšava, Polsko)
feature film
83 min
2 370 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, Polish
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