The owner of a house in the suburbs, Anna Faktorová, makes life difficult for her tenants. There are strict house regulations, and the only person who gets on well with Mrs Faktorová is the parasite and thief Gustav, who sponges off the other tenants. A new tenant arrives to the attic: Zajíček, an old bachelor and a clerk at a pawn shop. He soon develops a fondness for his neighbour, the music teacher Věra Hronová. There is tension in the household. Mejstřík the grocer is worried about his ground-floor shop, and the spiritualist Šoltys is forced to pay higher rent when he is caught holding a seance - and what is more the clock is stolen from his flat. Zajíček has got closer to Věra and is jealous when he sees her talking to an older, rich man. A receiver comes into his pawn-shop with Šoltys's stolen clock. Zajíček recognises it and it turns out that Gustav stole it. The strange man Věra was speaking to was her father, and she was trying to convince him she could earn a living on her own. The rich father buys Věra a house and Zajíček moves in with her - as do all Mrs Faktorová's other tenants. Mrs Faktorová is left all alone in her house.
úředník zastavárny Zajíček
majitelka domu Anna Faktorová
konzervatoristka Věra Hronová
hokynář Jan Mejstřík
Majdalena, Mejstříkova žena
švec Václav Šupita
Šupitova žena
spiritista Šoltys
příživník Gustav
továrník Hron, Věřin otec
Zajíčkův kolega v úřadě
Zajíčkův známý
učedník u Šupity
muž s hodinami v zastavárně
Karel Poláček (Dům na předměstí – román)
František Rubáš (fotograf), Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Karel Hrnčíř
Singer Hugo HaasHana Vítová
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Karel Hrnčíř
Singer sbor
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Karel Hrnčíř
Singer Hugo Haas
Singer mužský hlasženský hlas
Dům na předměstí
Dům na předměstí
Suburban House
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 10/1933
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 20 October 1933 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adria /2 týdny/ a Hvězda /3 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 September 1983 /suitable for youths/
Josef Hašler, František Lepka (zadavatel)
František Lepka (původní 1933), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1983)
feature film
90 min
2 690 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles