Mr Bernášek, a diligent clerk, works in a strictly run office. He sublets a room from Mrs Novotná, a widow who owns a tobacconist's and who has a daughter called Jiřinka. Bernášek, a non-sporting pedant who reads office regulations in his spare time, wins a houseboat in a competition. Every weekend Praguers leave the city to spend time by the river or in the forests. Mrs Novotná fears for her daughter and so she locks her in on Saturdays before going on trips with a secret admirer. But Jiřinka tricks the naive Alois Bernášek and gets out via his room, planning to go on an excursion with hikers. Bernášek decides to go and see his houseboat but three hooligans, up to no good on the river, steal the boat from him. Mr Bernášek, who has conceived a great passion for Jiřinka, wants to show off in front of her and manages to wrest his houseboat back from the hooligans. The shy old bachelor even manages to confess his feelings for Jiřinka. Everybody returns home, happy and in love, and look forward to next weekend when they can all go on another trip.
akcesista Alois Bernášek
Marie Novotná
Jiřina, dcera Novotné
přednosta úřadu
Jack Polívka, zvaný Grizzly
divoký trempíř a zloděj Ferda
sluha Josef Bureš
sportovec Karel
divoký tramp a zloděj
úřednice Máňa
Mánin ctitel
tanečnice v trampském táboře
mladý úředník
hostinský ve Zbraslavi
zákazník v trafice
zákazník v trafice
správce loděnice
plavčík Šůra
rozhodčí kanoistických závodů
dcera houpačkářky
tlustý divoký tramp a zloděj
divoký tramp a zloděj
trampka s miskou polévky
pěvecký sbor
hlas člena Armády spásy v kanceláři
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Rudyna /ž/Oldřich KovářSetleři
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Oldřich KovářSetleři
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Oldřich KovářSetleři
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Oldřich KovářSetleři
Dobrý tramp Bernášek
Dobrý tramp Bernášek
The Good Tramp Bernášek
Sedmý den Bůh odpočíval
Sedmého dne Bůh odpočíval
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 11/1933
premiere 24 November 1933 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Koruna /4 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
80 min
2 264 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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