The famous singer Manon Cavalliniová comes to Prague after fifteen years. Many years ago she was forced by her husband, the industrialist Rón, to choose between a career and life with him and their young daughter Věra. Now Manon invites her husband to the premi re. He refuses, for he does not want Věra to meet her mother, from whom she has inherited her talent for singing. Rón even fires his young secretary Veverka because he has put in a word for Manon. In Prague at the same time is Mr. de Gonzáles, president of the South American Republic of Paránas, who wants, through the mediation of Consul Klika, to buy locomotives. Rón would like to win the order for his ironworks. Gonzáles is a long-time friend of Manon's and therefore Rón is compelled to attend the theatre. Manon's success does not obscure the slaps Veverka bestows on Klika. Through inconsiderate driving the consul forced off the road into a ditch the car in which Veverka and Věra were driving on an outing. Klika, fearing that the incident will be leaked to the press, awards Rón the contract. Věra meets her mother, who warns her of the sacrifices demanded by art. The girl gives her preference to marrying Veverka. Rón makes up with Manon, but she is still thinking over whether she will return to her husband.
The combined duplitace negative, the duplicate sound negative, the combined duplicate print, the combined print are preserved in the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin.
Manon Cavallini
průmyslník Erik Mattisson
Karin, Mattissonova dcera
Axel Basse, Mattissonův tajemník
Peter Karsten
dr. Frank Heyberg
bankéř Lynge
tiskový šéf Klamann
sekretářka tiskového šéfa
šatnářka Babette
prezident republiky Paranarena
inspicient Prim
Oscar Strauss (Eine Frau, die weiss, was sie will – opereta), Alfred Grünwald (Eine Frau, die weiss, was sie will – opereta)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Maria Beling
Žena, která ví co chce [německá verze]
Žena, která ví co chce [německá verze]
A Woman Who Knows What She Wants [German version]
Eine Frau, die weiss, was sie will
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 17 May 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 30 June 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 08/1934
premiere 08/1934 /inaccessible for youths/
premiere abroad 25 September 1934 (Hlivice a Berlín, Německo)
Meissner, Slavia-film (zadavatel)
feature film
77 min
2 190 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles