The poor widow Antonie Nováková wants to ensure that her daughter Milada continues her education after finishing school. In order to acquire the necessary means, she has to find a job. She answers a classified advertisement from engineer Domanský who is looking for a housekeeper. Domanský has one condition, however: his housekeeper must be childless and without relations. Antonie does not tell him about her daughter and she accepts the job. Domanský is appointed Minister of the Railways and, in his new function, he has to fulfil certain social obligations. He therefore decides to buy a large house and realises he will also need a capable girl who would help him with his work and social duties. He is recommended to take on Milada, who has just finished her studies. Thus, one day mother and daughter both find themselves in Domanský's house. Domanský falls in love with Milada and wants to marry her. However, the relationship between the two women is exposed and Domanský is furious since he thinks that Milada was only interested in his position. The distraught girl is preparing to leave the house but the forthright Mrs Antonie has to have her say in the matter. After she has explained what had happened, Domanský realises that the situation would never have arisen if it were not for the strong maternal love of Mrs Antonie. He apologises to Milada and announces their engagement.
hospodyně Antonie Nováková
Milada, dcera Novákové
ministr dopravy Dr. Ing. Milan Doman
bankéř Viktor Radota
sluha Cyril
Anežka Brabcová
sekční šéf
služka Anička
ministr železnic
ředitelka hospodyňského ústavu Representatia
ministerský rada
ministerský rada
ministerský rada
zřízenec na ministerstvu
německý host na recepci
host na recepci
host na recepci
host na recepci
host na recepci
host na recepci
žák hospodyňského ústavu Representatia
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Bedřich Smetana (Hubička /Má duše z ráje vyhnaná/)
Pražský symfonický orchestr (Music Conducted by Jára Beneš)
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Jaroslav Gleich
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Lída Baarová
Song Composer lidová italská píseň
Singer Jaroslav Gleich
Pokušení paní Antonie
Pokušení paní Antonie
The Temptation of Mrs Antonie
Die Versuchung der Frau Antonia
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 15 June 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 3 July 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 08/1934
date of censorship 09/1939
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1941
premiere 31 August 1934 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Kotva /3 týdny/ a Lucerna /3 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
103 min
2 910 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, French
without subtitles
Event: Soutěž o nejlepší film promítaný v pražském kině Flora, které si přeje obecenstvo vidět
Praha / Czechoslovakia
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