Unemployed engineer Pavel Garden has fallen in love with the wealthy doctor Marianna. His friend and flatmate, philosopher Ivan Kuropkin, loves Klára, the landlord's daughter and Marianna's cousin. Klára's parents, Mr and Mrs Haugwitz, the owners of the house, run a successful business as greengrocers. The landlady cannot cope with her sudden social ascent and plagues her family with her excessive behaviour and dress sense. Pavel has managed to cultivate a special violet rose which he calls Marianna. The girl, however, mistakenly accuses Pavel of self-interested motives and rejects him. Mrs Haugwitz arranges to make an investment into the construction of a luxury hotel with the banker Ladman. Her otherwise downtrodden husband opposes her decision and refuses to put a penny of his money into the project. Both young men receive their marching orders and, together with their landlord, they move into a rented house where they cultivate a garden. The cheating banker has meanwhile caused Haugwitz's wife to go bankrupt and she is glad to accept a position in her husband's company. A celebration is held to mark the company's succes and all sides are reconciled.
The end of the film was made in colour using a system devised by Ing. Horst and Kretchmer. In the year 1942 the film was released under the non-original title Svatba v růžích (A Wedding in Roses).
Rudolf Haugwitz zvaný Raul
Marie, Haugwitzova žena
Klárka, dcera Haugwitzových
Marianna, neteř Haugwitzových
Ing. Pavel Garden
dr. Ivan Kuropkin, Pavlův přítel
bankéř Ladman
ředitel hotelu Hubáček
Ginetta, služka u Haugwitzů
ošetřovatelka Boženka
kuchařka Anna
ředitel výstavní síně
zpěvák v baru
sekretářka firmy Lila
tulák zloděj
spící host v baru
host na výstavě růží
host na výstavě růží
host na výstavě růží
host na výstavě růží
zřízenec firmy Lila
pěstitel růží
tanečník v operetním finále
tanečník v operetním finále
Bohumír Polách (Na růžích ustláno – opereta)
Jaromír Weinberger, Miloš Smatek (úprava)
Singer Maria Tauberová
Singer Rudolf Lampa
Singer Maria Tauberová
Na růžích ustláno
Na růžích ustláno
Bed of Roses
Rosenhochzeit / Auf Rosen gebettet
Svatba v růžích [uvedení 1942]
A Wedding in Roses
featuretheatrical distribution
music, comedy, operetta
start of filming 3 November 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 22 November 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 12/1934
date of censorship 12/1940
date of censorship 25 August 1942 (konec povolení k promítání 31. 12. 1943)
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1943
premiere 25 January 1935 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Avion /2 týdny/, Juliš /2 týdny/ a Světozor /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 9 October 1942 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Lido /1 týden/, Praha)
Lloyd (původní 1935 a obnovená 1942)
feature film
101 min
2 880 meters
colour, black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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