The economic situation is so poor that the proprietress of a fish store, Kateřina Udatná, must declare bankruptcy. The woman is broken-hearted because she has worked hard her entire life. She unexpectedly receives a letter from America, from a certain Jonn Sam, who informs her that he is coming to Europe where he intends to settle. He brings her news of an inheritance which Mrs Kateřina has received from his deceased uncle. The businesswoman is saved, she is able to settle her debts and together with Sam found a company for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Sam has fallen in love with Kateřina's daughter Lída. She returns his feelings, but she must first make sure that her new love does not hurt Rudolf, her friend from childhood. But the young man has a girl. Out of joy Lída falls into his arms. At that moment they are spotted by Sam and in sorrow he leaves secretly to the Krkonoše Mountains. In his absence Mrs Kateřina is accused of acquiring the inheritance by fraud and the police incarcerate her. The misunderstanding is cleared up by Sam's return: it is shown that Mrs Kateřina is the true heiress and her daughter Lída becomes engaged to Jonn Sam.
majitelka obchodu s rybami Kateřina Udatná
Lída Udatná, dcera Kateřiny
advokát JUDr. Rudolf Valenta
Čechoameričan Jonn Sam, bratranec Kateřiny
daňový poradce oficiál Pěnkava, přítel Kateřiny
služka u Kateřiny Fanynka
Kateřina Kremličková, Samova domnělá sestřenice
Magda Polanská, Valentova přítelkyně
vyšetřující soudce
vězeňský dozorce
host v horské chatě
trafikantka Marie Mašková
majitel realit a dolů Bronislav Lopata
Rudolf Zlámal, majitel bankovního závodu Vypek a spol.
policejní komisař
zástupce továrny na nedobytné pokladny
akcionář/zájemce o Kateřininu finanční účast
akcionář/soudní úředník Macháček
akcionář/zájemce o Kateřininu finanční účast
správce věznice
lyžařka v horské chatě
zájemce o Kateřininu finanční účast
zájemce o Kateřininu finanční účast
pěvecký sbor
hlas hlasatele rozhlasu
Evžen Hollý (Kateřina Vzdorovitá – divadelní hra)
Hana Podolská (šaty a kožichy), Jitka Anhertová (klobouky)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Otakar Hanuš
Singer Vladimír Borský [dab]Lída Baarová [dab]
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Otakar Hanuš
Singer Otomar KorbelářSinging Babiessbor
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Otakar Hanuš
Singer sbor
Singer Otomar Korbelář
Singer Otomar Korbelář
Singer Otomar Korbelář
Zlatá Kateřina
Zlatá Kateřina
Golden Catherine
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 2 January 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 16 January 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 02/1934
withdrawal from distribution 03/1940
date of censorship 03/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 23 February 1934 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Gaumont /4 týdny/, Hollywood /4 týdny/ a Metro /4 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
104 min
2 955 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Event: Zlatá medaile časopisu Filmový kurýr
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Vladimír Slavínský
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