Talented violinist Milada Bendlová finishes her studies at the conservatory, and thanks to the financial support of the violin maestro Strada, she may continue her studies in Písek with Professor Ševčík. Strada's son Karel loves Milada and the separation bothers him. Professor Ševčík is enthusiastic about Milada's art. On his recommendation she is taken on by impresario Benoni, who organizes world tours. Milada makes her appearance with the renowned tenor Štěpán Urbanec. Both have enormous success. The singer is surrounded by women, but he wants to win the heart of Milada. Thus he takes her to his home town in the High Tatras. For publicity Benoni publicly announces their engagement. Both artists are taken unawares by this. In addition, Urbanec is followed by his jealous lover Věra Madenová. Karel is also jealous, but he eventually reconciles with Milada and as proof of his love comes to her concert. However Věra unexpectedly shows up and during the middle of the performance she shoots Milada. Milada is only lightly wounded. Karel tends to her while Urbanec finishes the concert. But maestro Strada unfortunately does not live to see Karel's reconciliation with Milada.
The première outside Prague was held already on the 20th of September 1934 in Písek. The Germam speaking copy combined print 2 317,5 metres is also preserved in the National Film Archive Prague.
tenorista Štěpán Urbanec
houslistka Milada Bendlová
malíř Karel Strada
mistr houslař, Stradův otec
profesor Otakar Ševčík
impresário Benoni
Věra Madenová
modelka Ela
americký student Billy
obchodník s obrazy
žebrák harmonikář
koncertní pořadatel
tajemník profesora Ševčíka
průvodčí lůžkových vozů
úředník v záložně
odhadce v zastavárně
cestující ve vlaku
korepetitor Trojan
hospodyně u Strady
lovkyně autogramů
přítel malíře Strady
přítel malíře Strady
přítel malíře Strady
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Henryk Wieniawski (Houslový koncert d moll /finále 3. věty/), Johann Sebastian Bach (Ciaccona d moll /z Partity č. 2/), Ludwig van Beethoven (Houslový koncert D dur /op. 61 část 1. věty/), Johann Sebastian Bach (Adagio g moll /ze Sonáty č. 1/), Niccolo Paganini (Caprice č. 16 /ze 24 Caprices op. 1/), Henri Vieuxtemps (Koncert č. 4 d moll /op. 31 finále/), František Ondříček (Rhapsodie Boheme /op. 21 úvodní část/), Petr Iljič Čajkovskij (Rokokové variace pro violoncello)
Pražský symfonický orchestr (Music Conducted by Jindřich Feld), Česká filharmonie (Music Conducted by Jindřich Feld), Alfred Holeček /klavír/, Bedřiška Seidlová /housle/
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Otakar Hanuš
Singer Štefan Hoza
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Otakar Hanuš
Singer Tino Muff
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Otakar Hanuš
Singer Štefan Hoza
Hudba srdcí
Hudba srdcí
Music of the Hearts
Musik der Herzen
Kdo nám rozumí / Každý pošiel svojou stranou
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 28 April 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 19 May 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 08/1934
date of censorship 04/1935 (německy namluvená jazyková mutace)
withdrawal from distribution 11/1939
date of censorship 11/1939 (neschváleno do distribuce)
preview 20 September 1934 (Písek)
premiere 28 September 1934 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Fénix /3 týdny/ a Hollywood /3 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 04/1935 /inaccessible for youths/ (německy namluvená jazyková mutace)
feature film
97 min
2 772 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, German
Czech, German
without subtitles
Czech, German
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