The pride and main source of anxiety of the widow Barbora Jarošová, owner of a kitchenware shop, is her much loved and loving son Karel. On completing his studies Karel decides to leave home and go to work in a Prague aircraft factory. He soon becomes a successful constructor. He meets Jana Machová, the niece of Mareš the factory manager, and falls in love with her. He decides to introduce Jana, a dancer, to his mother. But Barbora is not too pleased, thinking a mere dancer not good enough for her Karel. Karel suffers, and his suffering shows in his work. Therefore Mareš pays a visit to his mother and tells her her behaviour is endangering her son's life. He also invites her to the air day. Barbora comes to Prague but she misses the take-off of Karel's plane. Karel, still upset, bungles the take-off and the aircraft crashes, with Jana in it. He is injured. Mother Barbora arrives at the airfield and is reconciled to her son and his wife to be.
Barbora Jarošová
Ing. Karel Jaroš, syn Jarošové
majitelka rytmické školy Jana Machová
Alois Hubáček, pomocník u Jarošové
nadporučík Jiří Bělík
Antonín Mareš, Janin strýc
Lojzička, hospodyně u Jarošové
Láďa, učedník u Jarošové
sportovní reportér
členka baletní školy
letecký konstruktér
vrátný v hotelu
zpěvák na večírku
člen regulační komise
nadšený fanoušek na Jarošově autě
asistentka ve škole rytmiky
ředitel hotelu
hotelový zřízenec
letecký konstruktér
letecký konstruktér
nesmělý zákazník
host u Jarošové
žák ve škole rytmiky
fanoušek vycházející ze stadionu
Evžen Hollý (Letcova maminka – divadelní komedie)
Modelový dům Klára Wassermannová (toalety Lídy Baarové), Hanka Glaserová (klobouky Lídy Baarové)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Bedřich ŠulcBedřich Wermuth
Singer Tino MuffLída Baarová
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Bedřich ŠulcBedřich Wermuth
Singer Otomar KorbelářFrantišek Paul
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Bedřich ŠulcBedřich Wermuth
Singer Otomar Korbelářmužský sborAntonie Nedošinská /recitativ/
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics Bedřich ŠulcBedřich Wermuth
Singer ženský sborTino Muff
Song Composer Oldřich Sedlmaier
Dokud máš maminku
Dokud máš maminku
While You Have a Mother
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 3 July 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 19 July 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 09/1934
withdrawal from distribution 11/1939
date of censorship 11/1939 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 19 October 1934 /suitable for youths/ (kina Gaumont /3 týdny/, Hollywood /3 týdny/ a Metro /3 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
94 min
2 670 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles