The wife of Colonel Dubrovnický has bequeathed her fortune after her death to their two sons - Zdeněk and Viktor. In the will she has expressed the wish that one of them become a priest. The profligate Viktor does not intend to fulfill his mother's wish and so this lot falls to the meek Zdeněk. Zdeněk is in love with the teacher Jindra Remešová, but Viktor usurps her by subterfuge. His actions are not without their consequences. Jindra gives birth to a child, whom Viktor does not care for. He lives merrily with Miss Mimi, until he loses all his money. Together with Banker Fuchs they then extract money by swindle even from Zdeněk, who has left to the monastery according to his mother's wish. But even this money is not enough for Viktor, and therefore he begins to undersign checks in his father's name. On the basis of this those affected demand reimbursement of the debts from the colonel. Dubrovnický, however, does not have the money and thus in desperation he commits suicide. Viktor flees to America and Fuchs unjustly occupies the Dubrovnický estate. Mimi, hounded by a bad conscience, goes to Jindra. She finds her dead. Together with Zdeněk she takes charge of Jindra's daughter. With the help of a lawyer Zdeněk re-obtains his family estate. At this time Viktor returns as a new man. He reconciles with Mimi and with Zdeněk and begins to care for his daughter. Zdeněk returns to the monastery.
The original negative, the original sound negative 2 103,0 metres, the combined duplicate print and the German-speaking copy combined print are also preserved in the National Film Archive Prague.
majitel panství Jiří Dubrovnický, plukovník v. v.
syn majitele panství Viktor Dubrovnický
syn majitele panství Zdeněk Dubrovnický
učitelka Jindra Remešová
Marie, zvaná Mimi
bankéř Alfréd Fuchs
Bohumil Jarský, přítel bankéře Fuchsy
tulák Štovíček
starý sluha
divák na dostizích
divák na dostizích
zaměstnanec v herně
Erich Eisner (texty písní německého dabingu 1935), Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Karel Růžička
Singer Nora StallichBajo trio
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Karel Růžička
Singer Otto RubíkTruda Grosslichtová
Za řádovými dveřmi
Za řádovými dveřmi
Beyond the Monastery Door
Hinter Klostertüren
Hinter Klostertüren
Dva bratři
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 16 January 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 26 January 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 03/1934
date of censorship 08/1935 (německy namluvená jazyková mutace)
date of censorship 05/1940
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1940
date of censorship 28 May 1941
date of censorship 15 June 1942 (konec povolení k promítání 31. 12. 1943)
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1943
premiere 25 May 1934 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Avion /1 týden/, Hollywood /2 týdny/ a Praha /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 08/1935 /inaccessible for youths/ (německy namluvená jazyková mutace)
renewed premiere 06/1941 /inaccessible for youths/
Dafa (původní 1934 a obnovená 1941)
feature film
82 min
2 345 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, German
Czech, German
without subtitles
Czech, German