Young officer Orlov travels to a fortress in Siberia. On the way he finds a frost-bitten man in the snow and he saves him. He does not know that this is the escaped prisoner Silačov, who is preparing the resistance movement against the czar. Orlov falls in love with the commander's daughter Máša and she reciprocates his love. This arouses the envy of Lieutenant Šalin, who has tried in vain to win her for himself. Silačov declares himself to be the true czar of vast Russia and exhorts the people to fight. He even captures the fortress and has all the officers hanged. He spares only Orlov, to repay him the debt of having his life saved. Even Šalin has saved himself by going over to the bandits, and he tries to take Máša by force. In the meantime Orlov succeeds in escaping to the czar's forces and with a large army he marches on Silačov, who surrenders to the superior force. Šalin abducts Máša, but in fleeing he is stopped by the soldiers and Orlov frees her. Together they happily depart and on the way they encounter the shackled Silačov who is being led away to prison.
This co-produced film was shot only in a French version. The original negative, the original sound negative 2 260,0 metres and the German-speaking copy combined print and a part of the Czech-speaking copy combined print 53,0 metres are preserved in the National Film Archive Prague.
vůdce vzpoury Silačov
Olga, jeho mileka
poručík carské gardy Orlov
Máša Ivanovna, dcera velitele pevnosti
poručík Šalin
velitel pevnosti na Sibiři
manželka velitele
sluha Ivan
spiklenec, muž bez jazyka
poručík carské gardy
gardový důstojník
člen Silačovovy družiny
člen Silačovovy družiny
člen Silačovovy družiny
důstojník carské gardy
důstojník v posádce
pěvecký sbor
Alexandr Sergejevič Puškin (Kapitánská dcerka /Kapitanskaja dočka/ – novela)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Pražský symfonický orchestr (Music Conducted by Willy Schmidt-Gentner)
Singer Ruský soubor Zlatý kohout
Volha v plamenech
Volha v plamenech
The Volga in Flames
Volga en flammes / Volga en Feu / Wolga in Flammen / Der falsche Zar
Požár Volhy
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, France
end of filming 20 November 1933
date of censorship 02/1934
date of censorship 06/1934 (německy namluvená jazyková mutace)
premiere 9 February 1934 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Kotva /3 týdny/ a Lucerna /3 týdny/, Praha /česky namluvená jazyková mutace/)
premiere abroad 6 April 1934 (Paříž, Francie /francouzská verze/)
premiere 06/1934 /inaccessible for youths/ (německy namluvená jazyková mutace)
feature film
84 min
2 390 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, German, French
Czech, German, French
without subtitles
Czech, German, French
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