The wealthy attorney Dr. Helwing is getting ready to celebrate the first anniversary of his marriage to the sprightly Dolly. She suggests they celebrate by reliving their encounter and spending a night in the magic of "new-found love". So Dr. Helwing and Dolly set off for town, separately. Their luxury villa, now empty, has been picked out by the burgler Monokel-Fredy and his gang. On Dr. Helwing's account he has fine food brought to the villa for a banquet during which he plans to steal the valuables. Meanwhile, Helwing and Dolly meet in a night club and go on the razzle-dazzle with an off-duty police inspector. A number of friends and relatives turn up at Helwing's villa with presents for the couple. Monokel-Fredy handles the situation by charming the women and winning over the men with his eloquence, so nobody suspects that he is a burglar. Mr. and Mrs. Helwing end their riotous night in a bar called "Inferno". In the end all of the main characters wind up in the police station. Helwing even magnanimously offers to act as Fredy's lawyer, because he does not realise it was his own house that Fredy burgled.
The combined duplitace negative 2 203,0 metres and the combined print are preserved in the Gosfilmofond of Russia, Belye Stolby.
advokát JUDr. Helwing
Dolly, Helwingova žena
lupič gentleman zvaný Monokel-Fredy
policejní komisař Dr. Freund
barman Ferry, mixér v baru Bonbonniere
komorná u Helwingů Anni, barmanova milá
členka tlupy Monokel-Fredyho
člen tlupy Monokel-Fredyho
člen tlupy Monokel-Fredyho
Eulalia, Helwingova teta
Amalia, Helwingova teta
Robert, Helwingův strýc
Theobald, Helwingův strýc
Helwingova sestřenice
Helwingova sestřenice
Helwingův bratranec
policejní inspektor
kriminální inspektor Hart
muž předvedený na komisařství
žena předvedené na komisařství
žena předvedené na komisařství
šatnářka ve Varieté
inspicient ve Varieté
číšník z hotelu Sacher
host v baru Bonbonniere
vrátný v baru Inferno
číšnice v baru Inferno
host v baru Inferno
host v baru Inferno
zaměstnanec baru Inferno
zaměstnanec baru Inferno
akrobatický tanečník v baru Inferno
jazzový orchestr v baru Inferno
baletky ve Varieté
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Max Niederberger
Writer of Lyrics Fred Heller
Singer Irene von Zilahy
Song Composer Max NiederbergerJan Lukas
Writer of Lyrics Fred Heller
Singer Irene von ZilahyMax Hansen
Song Composer Max NiederbergerJan Lukas
Writer of Lyrics Stephan Goll
Singer Irene von ZilahyMax SchipperTrude Bienert
Song Composer Max NiederbergerJan Lukas
Writer of Lyrics Siegfried Tisch
Singer Max SchipperTrude Bienert
Song Composer Max NiederbergerJan Lukas
Singer Hans Olden
Rozpustilá noc [německá verze]
Rozpustilá noc [německá verze]
Wild Night [German version]
Csárdás / Ihre tollste Nacht
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 12 August 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 5 September 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 11/1934
withdrawal from distribution 11/1939
premiere 11/1934 /inaccessible for youths/
premiere abroad 13 December 1935 (Vídeň, Rakousko)
feature film
78 min
2 210 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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