Country tailor Florian Svíčička neglects his work for his predilection for Medieval history. During preparations for an amateur performance at Zdislavice Castle he replaces the bailiff and he plays the role of the knight. He spoils the performance, however, and is turned out in disgrace. On the way home he becomes witness to a horrible scene in the woods: two knights are beheading a young girl. It comes out later that this was a film shoot, and the young girl, Hana, the double for the famous diva Elvira, spends the night in the castle with Florian because the filmcrew has mistakenly left her behind. The master's wife loses patience with Florian's excesses and he is dismissed from his work as a tailor. He sets off to Prague after the girl with whom he was that night at the castle. But he does not know her name and mistakenly he comes to Elvira's villa. The diva is not home. Florian comes across a love letter in the villa and he imagines that it is addressed to him. But when Elvira returns, Florian is mercilessly thrown out. Florian returns to his little town and takes refuge at the castle, where he finds a treasure. He donates half of the money to the town hall for improvements to the town and in this way he wins back the lost respect of his fellow-citizens.
krejčí Florian Kerzl
herečka Elvira Thompson/statistka Hanni
učitel Gottfried Schneemilch, člen obecní rady
žena učitele Schneemilcha
nezaměstnaný reklamní kreslič Jantschi
krejčovská mistrová Platscheková
exekutor Emil Süsskind, člen obecní rady
filmový režisér
filmový herec Fredy
člen obecní rady
člen obecní rady
člen obecní rady
člen obecní rady
člen obecní rady
člen obecní rady
člen obecní rady
člen obecní rady
člen obecní rady
člen obecní rady
návštěvník ochotnického divadla
návštěvník ochotnického divadla
návštěvnice ochotnického divadla
návštěvnice ochotnického divadla
zbrojnoš ochotnického divadla
Martin Frič, Henry Oebels-Oebstrom (německá dialogová režie)
Štěpán Kopecký (exteriéry), Bohumil Heš (interiéry)
Victor Eisenbach, Josef Stein
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Hans Regina von Nack
Singer Vlasta Burian
Hrdina jedné noci [německá verze]
Hrdina jedné noci [německá verze]
Hero for a Night [German version]
Held einer Nacht
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 23 February 1935 (ateliéry)
end of filming 2 April 1935 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 05/1935
withdrawal from distribution 05/1940
premiere 05/1935 /suitable for youths/
feature film
79 min
2 237 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, German
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