Miss Klatovská, a spinster, lets rooms in her house to students, is very kind and caring towards them, and shares their ups and downs. When she was young she had a student lover affair but her fiancé died tragically. A new student Dáša Kučerová arrives at the house. The philosophy student Irča Vítková introduces her to the other students living there: medical student Magda Bártová who is hopelessly in love with chemist Jožka Budil, who sends all his money to his ailing mother; Conservatory student Zdeněk Vilím, whose father wanted him to be a diplomat. Final-year student Eman Kosárek who has trouble with his Latin, although Miss Klatovská puts in a good word on his behalf with the professor. Dáša is most interested in medical student Mirek Toman. The young man gets involved in the fraudulent sale of a painting but his comrades stand up for him and the case is cleared up. All of them go to Mirek's graduation ceremony and he thanks them all warmly for their help. Zdeněk gets back on good terms with his father. When the students leave for home at the end of academic year, Miss Klatovská is already looking forward to the next year.
Marie Klatovská, zvaná Studentská máma
železničář v. v. Čeněk Přibyl, správce
služka Pepička, Přibylova žena
Klotylda, Tomanova žena
medik Mirek, syn Tomanových
farmaceutka Dáša Kučerová
Kučerová z Jilemnice, Dášina matka
oktaván Eman Kosárek, zvaný Pacinka
konzervatorista Zdeněk Vilím
notář Vilím, Zdeňkův otec
chemik Jožka Budil
Budilová, Jožkova matka
filozofka Irča Vítková
strojař Standa Razím
medička Magda Bártová
profesor Kliment, latinář
hospodyně u profesora Klimenta
soudce František
továrníkova sekretářka
podvodník s obrazy
Ria, podvodníkova manželka
znalec obrazů Lukeš
bankéř Sůva, podvodník
policejní komisař
člen akademického senátu
člen akademického senátu
člen akademického senátu
člen akademického senátu
promotor na universitě
Mirkova přítelkyně z divadla
Mirkův přítel z divadla
Mirkův přítel z divadla
Mirkův přítel
Novotný, Vácha
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics Karel TobisVáclav Špilar
Singer sbor
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics Karel TobisVáclav Špilar
Singer Marie GrossováVladimír Borský
Studentská máma
Studentská máma
Student's Mother
Studentská madona
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 2 July 1935 (ateliéry)
end of filming 17 July 1935 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 09/1935
withdrawal from distribution 03/1940
date of censorship 03/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 18 March 1941 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 20 September 1935 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Juliš /2 týdny/ a Metro /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
103 min
2 925 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, Latin
without subtitles
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