Julinka lives with her uncle, the owner of a cosy winebar and shop, Mr Kubašta. Kubašta is strict with Julinka's education and so she has to keep her love for Láďa Kostecký a secret. Dr Kosejk, a regular at the winebar, tries to help Julinka and Kubašta eventually consents to her wedding. Julinka moves out after the wedding and Kubašta remains in the house alone. Dr Kosejk recommends Věra Náhlovská to him as a housekeeper. At the beginning, everything goes well with Věra working for him at the winebar. The ageing Kubašta, however, begins to fall under her spell to such an extent that even his fatherly love for Julinka grows cold. The calculating Věra secretly meets up with the mayor's son Miloš. Kubašta falls ill and goes off to be treated at a spa. Věra makes use of his absence and sacks the shop assistant and the chef; the winebar and shop are transformed into a low dive of poor reputation. Miloš realises he had made a mistake seeing Věra and he breaks up the relationship. Kubašta at the spa finds out what has been going on and returns. He is shocked to see how much the place has changed and after a bitter quarrel with Věra, he loses consciousness. The doctor is called but it is too late. Věra does not gain anything by his death since Kubašta wisely wrote a new will while he was recuperating at the spa.
vinárník a majitel koloniálu Kubaš
Kubaštova neteř Julinka
příručí Vojta
hospodyně u Kubašty Betyna
Věra Náhlovská
MUDr. Jan Kosejk
starostova žena
Miloš, syn starostových
Boženka, dívka příručího Vojty
řezník Brázda
zákaznice Hromasová
ředitel záložny
úředník Láďa Kostecký
metař Coufal
zákaznice v krámě
Milošův přítel
pekařský pomocník
městská klepna
městská klepna
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
zpívající hosté vinárny
Karel Klostermann (Pozdní láska – román)
Karel Melíšek, Jaroslav Mottl, Karel Melíšek, Václav Kubásek
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav MottlKarel Melíšek
Singer Blanka Waleská [dab]
Singer mužský sbor
Singer Stanislav Neumann
Pozdní láska
Pozdní láska
Belated Love
Der Liebesbote
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 05/1935
withdrawal from distribution 05/1940
date of censorship 05/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 29 December 1942
date of censorship 26 March 1943
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 7 June 1935 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Alfa /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 01/1943 /inaccessible for youths/
feature film
100 min
2 830 meters
black & white
without subtitles