A young bank clerk, Dr Dvořák, falls in love with the daughter of the bank's director. His feelings are requited and the girl's father welcomes the union. Dvořák's colleague Reich tempts the future husband into his favourite night club so he can toast the last few days of his freedom. In the bar Dvořák makes the acquaintance of a dancer and occasional prostitute named Mimi and, in an alcoholic haze, lets himself be seduced by her. Mimi's lover Gustav Kraus catches them together in her flat and Kraus tries to blackmail the young man. A struggle ensues during which Kraus falls unconscious to the ground and Dvořák, believing him dead, flees to Belgrade. There he feverishly scans the papers and is also paranoid that he has caught some disease from Mimi. In despair he seeks out a surgery run by a Czech doctor who instructs him on the issues of sexually transmitted diseases. The film contains a documentary film interlude, after which the original feature film resumes. Dvořák, now cured, discovers that Kraus is unharmed and he returns home. He is given back his old job, his fiancée forgives him and becomes the mother of healthy children. The prosecutor, however, succumbs to an untreated sexually transmitted disease.
Marta Bartošová
bankovní ředitel dr. Bartoš, otec Marty
tanečnice a zpěvačka Mimi
Gustav Kraus, milenec Mimi
dr. Ladislav Dvořák, tajemník ředitele
matka dr. Dvořáka
docent MUDr. Materna, český lékař v Bělehradě
prokurista Reich
správce dolů
host v baru
host v baru
host v baru
číšník v baru
orchestr v baru
MUC. Gustav Čibera
MUDr. Hynek Fügner, JUC. Hynek Fügner
univ. prof. MUDr. Karel Hübschmann
Antonín Frič (fotograf), Josef Wagner (dialogy německého dabingu 1936), Josef Kokeisl (režie německého dabingu 1936), Ateliér AAFI (německý dabing 1936)
Song Composer Saša Grossman
Writer of Lyrics Václav Zeman
Singer Jožka Koldovská
Song Composer Saša Grossman
Song Composer Saša Grossman
Osudná chvíle
Osudná chvíle
Fortuitous Moment
Hra náhody / Der verhängnisvolle Augenblick
featuretheatrical distribution
melodrama, educational
date of censorship 07/1935 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 03/1936 (kulturně-výchovný /německy namluvená jazyková mutace/)
withdrawal from distribution 04/1940
date of censorship 04/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 20 September 1935 /suitable for youths/ (kino Hvězda /4 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 03/1936 /inaccessible for youths/ (německy namluvená jazyková mutace)
feature film
89 min
2 543 meters
black & white
Philipsonor, AAFI
Czech, German
Czech, German
without subtitles
Czech, German
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