Kutil, a mason, has three daughters and they are a source of much worry for him. The oldest, Bětka, is a single mother. Her lover doesn't disown his child but he is not keen on Bětka's marrying him. The middle daughter, Lidla, causes new worries. She is a model and has met a painter called Lojza who introduced himself as Master Reban. In order to keep his affections she pretends she is from an upper class family. Viky, whom old Kutil calls Cácorka, is studying painting at the academy and she secretly loves Reban. She does not understand why he is wasting his time with Lidla and she cannot come to terms with what Lidla told him about the family. She decides to put everything right. She takes her family to Reban's studio and introduces the members to him one by one. But she discovers that Lidla's lover is in fact Reban's cousin, the interior decorator Lojza Reban. Cácorka bursts into tears in shame at having made her family look foolish. But Master Reban avows his love for her and they get engaged.
zedník Kutil
pradlena Kutilová, jeho žena
Bětka, dcera Kutilových
manekýnka Lidla, dcera Kutilových
studentka Viktorka zvaná Cácorka, dcera Kutilových
Franta Záruba, milenec Bětky
akademický malíř Julius Reban
malíř pokojů Lojza Reban, Juliův bratr
modelka Marta Kopecká
koktavá teta Brabencová
majitelka módního salónu
zákaznice módního salónu
paní domácí
sousedka Beranová
návštěvník baru
návštěvník baru
zpěvák v baru
zpěvák v baru
návštěvnice v baru
kupec obrazů
host v Mánesu
host v Mánesu
koktavá sousedka věšící prádlo
zpěváci v baru
barový orchestr
Anna Ziegloserová (Cácorka – divadelní hra)
K. Dostál (dekorační malby)
firma Gerstl
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer R. A. DvorskýVáclav BláhaJindřich KocinaBohumil KlemrMelody Boys
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Josef Příhoda
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics Saša Razov
Singer Jiří Plachý
Fräulein Buchstelze
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 2 February 1935
date of censorship 04/1935
date of censorship 10/1940 (konec povolení k promítání 31. 12. 1941)
date of censorship 05/1941
date of censorship 15 June 1942 (konec povolení k promítání 31. 12. 1942)
date of censorship 12/1942 (neschváleno do distribuce)
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1942
premiere 7 June 1935 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Hollywood /2 týdny/ a Skaut /5 týdnů/, Praha)
feature film
87 min
2 470 meters
black & white
without subtitles
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