The date is 1711. The village Terchová and the entire region is suffering under the cruel rule of Count Šándor Révayi. Old Jánošík's wife dies. For not performing his work for the count's estate so that he could prepare the burial, old Jánošík is dragged off to prison and beaten to death. Exactly at this time his son Juro is returning home from his studies and his beloved Anka tearfully tells him all that has happened. Juro chastises the count and leaves for the mountains. He is gradually followed by other men stricken by the count's despotism and they begin to take their revenge on the nobles. The lordship issues a warrant for Jánošík's arrest, offering a reward. The people, however, are fond of the outlaw, and so he always succeeds in escaping. After two years the count succeeds in the end in capturing Jánošík's comrades, and this thanks to the betrayal of an old landlady and a wily Gypsy woman. Jánošík goes on a visit to Anka, but the count has imprisoned her. Meanwhile his band has been captured at the inn and the soldiers are waiting only for him. Jánošík discovers the treachery but his escape does not come off because the innkeeper has poured peas under his feet. He is sentenced to death by hanging on a hook. Before mounting it himself he sings and dances for the last time.
The film was presented at the 4th Venice Film Festival, 1936.
Andrej Mariássi, hrabě Markušovský
velitel pandurů
hrabě Béla Révay
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
člen Jánošíkovy družiny
baba zrádkyně
host na slavnosti
host na slavnosti
host na slavnosti
slečna na slavnosti
pobočník hraběte Markušovského
vesnická žena
Jiří Mahen (Jánošík – divadelní hra)
Karel Plicka, Karel Hašler, Martin Frič, Štefan Letz (slovenské dialogy), Ivan J. Kovačevič (slovenské dialogy)
A. Huňková, Arnold Reimann
Karel Plicka, Jozef Cincík
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Miloš Smatek)
Liebe, Freiheit und Verrat
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, legend
start of filming 14 September 1935 (ateliéry)
end of filming 24 October 1935 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 01/1936 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 02/1937 (kulturně-výchovný /německy namluvená jazyková mutace/)
withdrawal from distribution 10/1939
date of censorship 10/1939 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 9 November 1945 (konec povolení k promítání 9. 11. 1946)
date of censorship 1 October 1946 (konec povolení k promítání 9. 5. 1947)
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
gala premiere 16 January 1936 (kino Světozor, Praha)
premiere 17 January 1936 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Juliš /2 týdny/ a Světozor /2 týdny/, Praha)
gala premiere 20 January 1936 (kino Alfa, Brno)
premiere 02/1937 /inaccessible for youths/ (německy namluvená jazyková mutace)
renewed premiere 1 December 1945 /suitable for youths/
Lloyd (původní 1937), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945)
feature film
78 min
2 210 meters
35mm, DCP 2-D
black & white
Tobis – Klang
German, Slovak
German, Slovak
without subtitles
Slovak, German
Festival: 20. mezinárodní filmový festival Benátky
Benátky / Italy
Český filmový ústav
Event: Ceny ministra průmyslu, obchodu a živností
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Ferdinand Pečenka
Event: Ceny ministra průmyslu, obchodu a živností
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Martin Frič
Event: Ceny ministra průmyslu, obchodu a živností
Praha / Czechoslovakia