College student Karel Hlubina invites his friend Dochvilný and four fellow students to his father's mill. Karel's sister Lída attracted Dochvilný, but the girl is in love with the self-confident chief of a road construction site. Dochvilný is jealous. He even spies on Lída and discovers that she has spent the night with this man. Even Karel hears about it when in the morning he finds the humiliated and weeping Dochvilný on the stairs to the house. After several days Lída realizes that she has become only further quarry for the thoughtless and superficial dolt. In desperation she wants to drown herself, but Dochvilný finds her and takes her home. In the company of the young people and the attentive Dochvilný, Lída refinds her lost mental equilibrium. At a fairground dance Dochvilný knocks the aggressive seducer to the ground and the whole group of young and contented people, including Lída, return to the mill.
The première outside Prague was held already on the 20th of November 1935 in Brno.
mlynář Hlubina
Lída, Hlubinova dcera
Karel, Hlubinův syn
Ing. Dochvilný, Karlův přítel
učitelka Věra, Karlova přítelkyně
student Smíšek
student Tichý
student Plecitý
student Pivoňka
Ivan Jelínek
Orchestr Národního divadla v Brně (Music Conducted by Antonín Balatka)
Song Composer Antonín Balatka
Writer of Lyrics Ivan Jelínek
Singer Viktor Ostrý
Song Composer Antonín Balatka
Writer of Lyrics Ivan Jelínek
Singer Hana Vítová
Song Composer Antonín Balatka
Writer of Lyrics Antonín Jelínek
Singer sbor
Song Composer Antonín Balatka
Writer of Lyrics Ivan Jelínek
Singer sbor
Hřích mládí
Hřích mládí
The Sins of Youth
Studenti na prázdninách
Hříchy mládí
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 24 December 1934 (ateliéry)
end of filming 28 December 1934 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 11/1935
withdrawal from distribution 03/1940
date of censorship 03/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
gala premiere 20 November 1935 (kino Dopz, Brno)
premiere 14 February 1936 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Kotva /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
89 min
2 525 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Event: Diplom sekce filmových půjčoven a výroben při obchodním grémiu v Brně
Brno / Czechoslovakia
Josef Bůžek
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