Petr the orphan lives with his aunt and his dog Punťa. His uncle Gustav wants to get rid of him and puts him in an orphanage. Petr runs away and goes looking for his dog. He finds Punťa, but he is now owned by the knacker Tobiáš who does not want to give it back to Petr. But when he sees how fond Petr and Punťa are of each other he lets them both stay with him. Petr makes friends with children on the street. Anička, his friend from the firing range, gets to know Emil, an unemployed painter who is trying to find work with the publisher Brož. A rich lady comes into the knacker's yard looking for her lost dog. A woman with no children of her own, she takes a liking to the quick-witted Petr. At Christmas she sends Petr nice presents and invites him to her house. Her husband, the publisher Brož, asks Tobiáš if Petr can stay with them, but Tobiáš refuses. But he is fired from his job at the knacker's yard because he is unable to catch stray dogs and even helps them to escape. Tobiáš is then arrested after a row with uncle Gustav who has taken the money Petr earnt. Thanks to Emil, Brož and Petr, Tobiáš is released from prison. Brož offers Emil a job in the publishing house. Tobiáš realises he cannot take care of Petr by himself any more and so he takes him to Brož's villa. Mr and Mrs Brož are happy to take Petr in and employ Tobiáš in their household.
The combined print 2 047,0 metres and the combined duplitace negative are preserved in the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin. The combined duplitace negative 2 355,0 metres is preserved in the Gosfilmofond of Russia, Belye Stolby. The combined print 2 027,0 metres is preserved in the National Film Archive Prague.
pohodný Tobias Haslinger
sirotek Peter
Anni, děvče ze střelnice
komediant Gustav
Sonja, Gustavova žena
Fritz Körner, ředitel nakladatelství Urania
rychlomalíř Hans
Luisa, Körnerova žena
komediant Monsieur Salkovič
návštěvnice poutě
návštěvník poutě
sestra v sirotčinci
sestra v sirotčinci
šofér paní Körnerové
ředitel nakladatelství
Martin Frič, Wolfgang Bagier (německá dialogová režie)
E. Schönfield
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by E. F. Burian)
Singer Hans MoserPeter Bossedětský sbor
Ulička v ráji [německá verze]
Ulička v ráji [německá verze]
A Little Street in Paradise [German version]
Das Gässchen zum Paradies
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Germany
start of filming 4 April 1936
end of filming 30 April 1936
date of censorship 08/1936
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1940
premiere 08/1936 /suitable for youths/
premiere abroad 9 November 1936 (Berlín, Německo)
feature film
72 min
2 055 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles