It is 1904 - the eve of the Russian-Japanese war. The Russian naval officer Boris Ranevský marries the Japanese girl Youki. News of Youki's wedding angers her brother Iva Moura who is head of intelligence in Port Arthur. After the war breaks out he then persuades his sister to work with him. Youki refuses but she does not tell her husband about their conversation. When her meeting with her brother is discovered, she finds herself suspected of espionage. With the help of Youki's maid, Iva steals Russian war plans from Boris's safe. He is captured and, during the interrogation, tells them that his sister helped him. Youki is arrested and is to be executed. She is saved by the capitulation of the Russian general Stössel, the executions are suspended and Youki is released. The girl is desparate to find Boris whom she finally tracks down on the deck of a torpedo destroyer. Boris is entrusted to take some Russian flags to safety, however, he is unable to break through the ring surrounding them and therefore orders the boat to be sunk. Death awaits him in the officer's cabin, together with Youki whose love and devotion finally convinces him of her innocence.
This film, whose capital share was ensured by the Czech producer, was filmed in Czechoslovakia in its German and French versions only. The première outside Prague was held already on the 4th of December 1936 in Brno in cinema Alfa. Afterwards the film was presented on the 6th of December 1936 in six cinemas in Vienna and on the 7th of December 1936 in Berlin in the cinema Ufa-Palast.
poručík Boris Ranevský
Borisova žena Youki
šéf japonské špionáže Iva Moura
ruský velitel Vosidlov
kapitán Novitzki
majitel čajovny Li Hung
generál Stössel
Atima, služka u Ranevských
Nicolas Farkas, Josef Gielen (německá dialogová režie)
Pierre Frondaie (Port-Arthur – román)
Henri Decoin, Nicolas Farkas, Arnold Lipp, Hans Klaehr (německé dialogy), Kurt Heuser (německé dialogy)
Georg Krause, Otto Heller, Jan Stallich, Karel Degl, Ferdinand Pečenka, Jaroslav Tuzar
Wladimir Meingard, Alexander Loschakoff, Štěpán Kopecký, Bohumil Heš
Carl Forcht
Hermann Storr, Emil Specht, Josef Zora
J. A. Holman, Pierre O'Connell
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Otakar Jeremiáš)
Port Arthur [německá verze]
Port Arthur [německá verze]
Port Arthur [German version]
Port Arthur
Port Artur
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 20 July 1936
end of filming 30 November 1936
date of censorship 12/1936
date of censorship 06/1940
withdrawal from distribution 13 October 1941
preview 4 December 1936 (kino Alfa, Brno)
premiere abroad 6 December 1936 (Vídeň, Rakousko /šest kin/)
premiere abroad 7 December 1936 (kino Ufa-Palast, Berlín, Německo)
premiere 15 January 1937 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Juliš /1 týden/ a Světozor /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
87 min
2 460 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang