Air Force Lieutenant Petr Nor is assigned by General Herold to pretend that he has invented air torpedo 48. Because of a work meeting he cannot attend a concert with his fiancée Helena, the granddaughter of Dr. Marvan. In his stead his colleague First Lieutenant Jan Domin accompanies her. At the concert Domin imagines that he knows the virtuoso Irena Vengerova as his acquaintance, and he makes a date with her in the garden. Before long Dr. Marvan finds the murdered Jan Domin in the garden. The next day as the participants are deliberating on the torpedo a spy is exposed who is passing himself of as Jan Domin. Colonel Švarc lets him escape so that his trail will lead to the whole spy ring. The head of the spy ring Gettering assigns Irena Vengerová the task of obtaining from Nor all information on the torpedo. Irena refuses because she is in love with Nor. Švarc has the entire spy ring arrested. Gettering manages to escape by plane. Petr Nor, who pursues him, does not dare shoot at the plane because he discovers that Irena is also on board. Gettering, who is eventually arrested, poisons himself.
Filmed with the participation of experts from the Ministry of National Defence.
plukovník Švarc, náčelník kontrašpionáže
poručík Petr Nor, vynálezce torpéda
nadporučík letectva Jan Domin
houslistka Irena Vengerová, vlastním jménem Galová
ředitel rafinérií Arnošt Gettering, vlastním jménem Arnošt Gal, šéf vyzvědačské skupiny
lékař MUDr. Marvan
Helena, Marvanova vnučka
generál Herold
adjutant generála Herolda
policejní komisař
člen Getteringovy bandy
člen Getteringovy bandy
člen Getteringovy bandy
člen Getteringovy bandy
člen Getteringovy bandy, klavírista
člen Getteringovy bandy
papírník A. Benger
host na koncertě
host na koncertě
host na koncertě
host na koncertě
host na koncertě
host na koncertě
host na koncertě
nadporučík Held
nezaměstnaný pacient
vyšetřující komisař
major Xaver Balcar
kapitán Rudolf Rott
policejní rada
důstojník ministerstva obrany
řidič autokaru
Marie Křížová (Případ plukovníka Švarce – román)
Otto Heller (interiéry), Jaroslav Blažek (exteriéry)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Miloš Smatek)
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Hašler
Singer mužský sbor
Vzdušné torpédo 48
Vzdušné torpédo 48
Air Torpedo
Případ plukovníka Švarce
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 3 September 1936
end of filming 17 September 1936
date of censorship 12/1936
withdrawal from distribution 12/1939
date of censorship 12/1939 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 11/1945 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 5 March 1937 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adria /2 týdny/ a Hvězda /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
89 min
2 543 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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