Oldřich Kmínek's melodramatic love romance Marriage on Credit is based on Marie Blažková's novel Spodní tóny. The story, following the relationship adventures of the Pohl sisters and their friend, was transferred from Ostrava to Prague. In the film starred some of the rising stars of the Republic cinema – Zita Kabátová, Eva Gerová or Věra Ferbasová. They are accompanied by the experienced Theodor Pištěk in the role of a football fan.
Lea Pohlová sets up a fashion salon after her parents death. She also has to look after her sister Ema who is still studying. Lea makes the acquaintance of her neighbour, the medical student Brožek, who is in financial difficulties. Lea agrees with him that she will finance his studies if he marries her after he has graduated. Brožek then leaves for Prague to gain practical medical experience. After a while, Lea writes to him asking if he will look after Ema who is visiting the capital for a few days. Brožek takes her round Prague and begins to fall in love with her. He is an honourable man so he tells her that he is promised to another woman. Lea has in the meantime met her former college friend Pavel and refuses his offer of marriage saying that she has committed herself to another man. Both sisters are unhappy. When Ema discovers that Brožek is to marry Lea, she attempts suicide. Lea decides to break Brožek's pledge. Ema can now marry him and Lea gets another offer of marriage from Pavel.
Lea Pohlová
Ema, sestra Ley
Kristýna Žitná, Emina přítelkyně
Kristýnin bratr
posluchač lékařství Olek Brožek
JUDr. Pavel Navrátil
sestra JUDr. Navrátila
profesor fyziky Havelka
domovník Brabec
notář Navrátil
sousedka paní Kokošková
Brandejsová, Brožkova bytná
světlovlasá švadlenka Máňa
profesor matematiky
profesor přírodopisu
člen profesorského sboru
členka profesorského sboru
lékař, Brožkův přítel
tmavovlasá švadlenka Máňa
pokojská v hotelu
přednosta kliniky
lékař v nemocnici
Karel Šilhánek, Karel Jernek (adept režie)
Marie Blažková (Spodní tóny – román)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Stelibský), Orchestr R. A. Dvorského (Music Conducted by R. A. Dvorský)
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Setleři
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Bajo trio
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Bajo trio
Manželství na úvěr
Manželství na úvěr
Marriage on Credit
Ehe auf Kredit
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 18 September 1936
end of filming 2 October 1936
date of censorship 11/1936
date of censorship 05/1940
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship po 06/1945 (konec povolení k promítání 1945)
withdrawal from distribution před 12/1945
premiere 6 November 1936 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Gaumont /2 týdny/ a Hollywood /1 týden/, Praha)
renewed premiere po 06/1945 /inaccessible for youths/
Nationalfilm (původní 1936), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945)
feature film
89 min
2 543 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles