Composer Pavel Bertl is a drunkard and gambler who manages over a few years to gamble away all the family property. Werner, a lawyer, follows the unhappy life of Pavel's wife Helena and suggests she get a divorce. Helena, however, still loves Pavel and refuses. Werner thus convinces Pavel to set a trap for Helena which would prove Pavel's infidelity. They involve Anna Plavcová in their plans, a girl Helena had got to know at the pawnbrokers when the latter was pawning her last piece of jewellery. Anna and Pavel go off to the mountains together accompanied by Špargl who is to photograph them in a compromising situation. Špargl does his job and the photograph fulfils its aim. Helena divorces Pavel. The whole affair ends badly for Anna, whose boyfriend, the illusionist Skála, leaves her as well. After the divorce, Anna confesses to Helena that the photograph was a set-up and that Pavel had not been unfaithful to her. Helena forgives Pavel and Skála also realises that Anna had not betrayed him. Both couples then begin making wedding plans.
The combined duplitace negative 1 720,0 metres and the combined print are preserved in the Gosfilmofond of Russia, Beyje Stolby.
Anny Stromová
hudební skladatel Toni Bernhof
Alice, Toniho žena
Ralph Fenton
justiční rada Werkmann
úředník Spargel
návštěvník herny
návštěvník herny
návštěvnice herny
Karl Bachmann (Der Spieler – divadelní hra)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Pražský symfonický orchestr (Music Conducted by Jiří FialaJára Beneš)
Důvod k rozvodu [německá verze]
Důvod k rozvodu [německá verze]
Grounds for Divorce [German version]
Der Scheidungsgrund
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Germany
start of filming 11 January 1937
end of filming 13 February 1937
date of censorship 05/1937
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1940
premiere 05/1937 /inaccessible for youths/
premiere abroad 17 August 1937 (Mnichov, Německo)
feature film
83 min
2 350 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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