In the picture gallery of an old chateau French painter Grikov is copying a rare painting by Van Dyck "Woman in White". Boys, friends of the castellan's grandson, play at the chateau and they decide to explore a secret corridor they have discovered in the area around the chateau. They notice that the corridor ends in the picture gallery. The new teacher finds out that one of her pupils, Lojzík Novák, is lame and that his poor widowed mother does not have enough money for him to have an operation. The chateau's secretary, who has ordered the copy be made, attempts to steal the painting. In an unguarded moment, however, a dog deprives him of the rolled up canvas. The rare original then passes through the hands of several people who have no idea of its value. It even lands up on a kite and also as a target at a shooting-range. Because the likeable painter is suspected of the theft the boys would like to help him. They find the painting and with the aid of the secret corridor they also prove guilty the true thief. The owner of the chateau pays them a reward which the boys want to give over for Lojzík's operation. The touched lord of the chateau, however, pays the entire medical expense. The young teacher becomes closer to the painter.
kastelán Sojka
francouzský malíř Grikov
policajt a malíř Vaňousek
majitel hradu Hornovský
Kamila, dcera Hornovského
tajemník Hornovského Tragač
majitel kolotoče Koulička
četnický strážmistr
učitelka Skalská
majitelka střelnice Paličková
Nováková, matka Věrky a Lojzíka
mrzáček Lojzík Novák
Věrka Nováková
Jiřík, kastelánův vnuk
Věra Strelcová
K. M. Walló (jazykový poradce)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Pražský symfonický orchestr (Music Conducted by Vilém Tauský)
Song Composer K. M. WallóVilém Tauský
Writer of Lyrics K. M. Walló
Singer František Paulženský hlas
Song Composer Vilém Tauský
Writer of Lyrics K. M. Walló
Singer dětský sbor
Singer František Paul
Ztratila se Bílá paní
Ztratila se Bílá paní
The Woman in White is Lost
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 8 July 1937
end of filming 4 August 1937
date of censorship 18 October 1937
premiere 25 March 1938 /suitable for youths/ (kina Stadion /1 týden/ a Dukla /1 týden/, Brno)
feature film
78 min
2 225 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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