The Globus textile factories are ruled by the firm hand of the general director Alfred Merhaut, who, however, transfers receipts from the export branch to his secret account in a foreign bank. His system is simple: each clerk working in the department of balances is fired after a short time to keep them from coming across the fraud. Accountant Bašek knows no one and nothing other than drudgery and eternal privation, in addition he is transferred to the feared department. In the department of balances he is witness to the firing of his oldest colleague and then the cup of bitterness overflows. Bašek makes clear his disgust, and so he loses his job as well. Upon leaving, however, he overhears the director speaking about his fears of an unexpected audit. Bašek makes up his mind to act: he steals compromising material. But at home he discovers that he has lost the document in his flight and has mistaken it for another, worthless document. Merhaut in the meantime has no idea of this and fearing the consequences he offers Bašek money and a high position in the firm. Bašek now enjoys life, but the director soon learns that the clerk does not have the material he has feared. Nevertheless, the director is arrested and Bašek returns to his post as an accountant.
účetní Josef Bašek
prodavačka obuvi Máša Lírová
továrník Emil Frýbl
Olga, Frýblova žena
generální ředitel Globusu Alfred Merhaut
prezident koncernu
předseda koncernu
advokát JUDr. Piroh
účetní Globusu Dufek
medik Petr Hureš
Nováková, Baškova bytná
šéf účtárny Globusu
Říha, tajemník ředitele Globusu Merhauta
Krulich, zaměstnanec bilančního oddělení Globusu
číšník v automatu Karel
panská u Frýblů
šéf bilančního oddělení Globusu
zaměstnanec Globusu
zaměstnanec Globusu
zaměstnankyně Globusu
zaměstnanec Globusu
zaměstnanec Globusu
zaměstnanec Globusu
vrátný v Globusu
uklízečka v kanceláři Globusu
uklízečka v kanceláři Globusu
vrchní v baru
návštěvník opery
návštěvnice opery
majitel obchodu s obuví
tančící host v baru
tančící host v baru
host v baru
zpěvačka v baru
hlas hlasatele z rozhlasu
Egon Hostovský (Ztracený stín – román)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Giuseppe Verdi (Aida)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Dobeš)
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics Ladislav Brom
Singer Marie Nováková
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics Ladislav Brom
Singer Marie Nováková
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 20 October 1937
date of censorship 11/1937
end of filming 5 November 1937
withdrawal from distribution 01/1941
premiere 26 November 1937 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Hollywood /1 týden/ a Hvězda /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
87 min
2 479 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Event: Odměny ministra průmyslu, obchodu a živností
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Event: Státní záruky Československé vlády na výrobu filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
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