It is the summer of 1916. A transport of Russian prisoners travels through Brno from the front. The health of the Russian officer Rjepkin has deteriorated to such an extent that he is transferred to an Austrian military hospital. He will die if he does not receive a blood transfusion. The German nurse Mathilda is the only one with the same blood group. Because she hates anything to do with the Slav nations, she hesitates to provide help and the consultant Dr Šrámek has to remind her of her humanitarian duties. Mathilda finally agrees and Rjepkin recovers. The hospital is full of soldiers of all nationalities from the Austro-Hungarian empire. Some are returning after being treated to the front, others are dying. Mathilda is trying in vain to quell her growing love for Rjepkin. The latter tries to escape one day and is shot. He admits to Dr Šrámek that he is, in fact, a Czech who was fighting on the Russian side. This discovery would have meant his death. Šrámek brings Rjepkin's wife in to see her husband on a short visit. Mathilda sees them together and, in her distress, she lets out a cry which attracts the guards. The man is sentenced to death and the desperate Mathilda gasses herself. Šrámek calls for an operation to be performed on Rjepkin and, in order to prevent an ignominious hanging, kills Rjepkin himself. After the war the doctor meets his wife to explain the reasons for his action.
The film contains documentary shots of battles and marching legionnaires in Prague. The première outside Prague was held already on the 14th of August 1937 in Uherské Hradiště where the film opened the festival of Czechoslovak films held within the framework of the exhibition of Moravian Slovakia.
poručík Alexander Fjodorovič Rjepkin, alias Vladimír Toman
ošetřovatelka Mathilde von Kiesewe
nadporučík Liška
MUDr. Šrámek, vrchní štábní lékař
ošetřovatelka Tonička
plukovní lékař MUDr. Klíma
kadet Stanislav Severa
pěšák Antonín Sakař
pěšák Vincent Tlamicha
kaprál Josef Bartoněk
pěšák Cyril Vyskočil
Lída, Tomanova žena
plukovník rakouské armády
MUDr. Lehner, vrchní lékař
Severova matka
generál rakouské armády
nadporučík Franz Schranel
saniťák Barták
vychovatelka Tomanova synka Boženka
Tomanův synek Vláďa
raněný v nemocnici
vrchní v kasinu
vojenská stráž
poručík stráže
MUDr. Geniuš (lékařství)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Dobeš)
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics František Kudrna
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Singer František Kreuzmann
Poručík Alexander Rjepkin
Poručík Alexander Rjepkin
Lieutenant Alexander Rjepkin
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 3 June 1937
end of filming 15 June 1937
date of censorship 08/1937 (kulturně-výchovný)
withdrawal from distribution 03/1939
preview 14 August 1937 (Uherské Hradiště)
premiere 24 September 1937 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Apollo /1 týden/, Hollywood /2 týdny/ a Světozor /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
98 min
2 798 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, Russian
without subtitles
Event: Odměny ministra průmyslu, obchodu a živností
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Event: Zlatá medaile časopisu Filmový kurýr
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Event: Soutěž Filmového studia na původní filmové drama
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Eduard Rada
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