Hana Poláčková finds herself in the streets alone and with no means of survival. Her step-father had begun to succumb to her charms and her mother takes her revenge by throwing her out of the house. The girl is fortunate, however, and finds a job in a cafeteria where she works her way up from kitchen help to cashier. Sales assistants Lili and Mary warn her about the undesired attentions of the cafeteria owner Josef Nevostrý and regular customer Rudolf Res, a commercial director. The men, well past their prime, are known for their weakness for innocent girls. Hana, however, thinks only of her boyfriend, the composer Pavel Jimeš. He is plagued by a serious illness which can only be treated in a sanatorium in the Tatra mountains. With no money to fund his treatment, Hana has to make a painful decision. All she has is her innocence and for this the director is quite willing to pay. Despite her resolve to sacrifice herself, Hana's disgust proves the stronger. To make up for her failure, Hana accepts an offer of marriage from Nevostrý and rushes to Pavel with the necessary money, even though it is her wedding day. It is too late: the young man has died and there is nothing for it but to return to her husband.
Otakar Vávra took over the role of the director after the death of Josef Rovenský, practically rewriting the original screenplay by A. J. Urban and František Čáp and hiring a new cast. The film was presented at the 6th Venice Film Festival, 1938.
Hana Poláčková
majitelka koloniálu, Hanina matka
Hanin otčím
skladatel Pavel Jimeš
Josef Nevostrý, majitel automatu
Lili, prodavačka v automatu
Mary, prodavačka v automatu
komerční rada Rudolf Res
básník Hejtmánek
MUDr. Mikula, asistent v nemocnici
malíř Karel Pálený
stará zpěvačka v šantánu
Barča, myčka nádobí v automatu
Kučerová, Jimešova bytná
zákaznice v koloniálu
majitelka zprostředkovatelny práce
Tereza, prodavačka, později myčka nádobí v automatu
Jenda, číšník v automatu
pomocnice v kuchyni automatu
zákazník v automatu
zákazník v automatu
zákaznice v automatu
tančící host v šantánu
spící host v šantánu
klavírista v šantánu
domovnice u rady Rese
sestra v nemocnici
Marie Majerová (Panenství – román)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Roman Blahník)
Song Composer Roman Blahník
Writer of Lyrics Antonín Čejka
Singer Anna Steimarová
Song Composer Roman Blahník
bez exteriérů
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 2 October 1937
end of filming 19 October 1937
date of censorship 11/1937
date of censorship 17 May 1940
date of censorship 1943 (predikáty „uznáníhodný film“ a „film pro Den hrdinů“)
date of censorship 16 February 1945 (predikáty „uznáníhodný film“ a „film pro Den hrdinů“ /16mm verze/)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
projection approval 25 November 1957
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 4 November 1937 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Lucerna /2 týdny/ a Passage /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 02/1945 /inaccessible for youths/ (16mm verze)
renewed premiere 24 January 1958 /inaccessible for youths/
AB (původní 1937), ČMÚ (obnovená 1945 /16mm verze/), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1958)
feature film
82 min
2 340 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Festival: 20. mezinárodní filmový festival Benátky
Benátky / Italy
Český filmový ústav
Event: Odměny ministra průmyslu, obchodu a živností
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Lucernafilm s.r.o.
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