The family of Prague burgher and master interior decorator Václav Kondelík lives contentedly in his house on Ječná street. Their peace and quiet is disrupted when they are invited to a party where their daughter Pepička makes the acquaintance of the young municipal clerk František Vejvara. The young couple fall in love. Mrs Kondelíková is supportive of the relationship since Vejvara would make a suitable match for her daughter. Pepička's acquaintance, however, upsets the orderly life enjoyed by the Kondelíks. On the insistence of Vejvara and his family, Kondelík takes part in a chaotic secret outing undertaken by members of the Sokol gymnastics association. He has to attend a voluntary performance of Břetislav and Jitka in which Vejvara plays the leading role. During the party in the evening where fireworks are organised, he falls into the Vltava. Ultimately, it seems that everything is heading towards the desired end - a wedding. Vejvara is promoted and asks for Pepička's hand in marriage. The wedding preparations are stalled by the arrival of Vejvara's former landlady, Mrs Muknšnáblová who claims that Vejvara is promised to her daughter. When the situation is resolved, the wedding goes ahead, followed by the wedding night.
This theme had already been treated in a Czech film in two parts under the same title (1926; directed by Karel Anton).
malíř pokojů Václav Kondelík
Bety, Kondelíkova žena
Pepička, dcera Kondelíkových
magistrátní úředník František Vejvara
magistrátní rada Spytihněv Hupner
Lotynka, dcera Muknšnáblové
tovaryš Vopička
tovaryš Prokop
zpěvačka v šantánu
zpěvačka a tanečnice v šantánu
Vejvarův otec
konceptní praktikant Slavíček
listonoš Kaňka
pianista v tanečních
Kačenka, služka u Kondelíků
kancelářský sluha Šťovíček
loďkař Klaprštajn
tovaryš u Kondelíka
host na svatbě
host na svatbě
důstojník, návštěvník kabaretu
pokladník spolku Karafiát
hráč mariáše
člen Karafiátu
člen Karafiátu
člen Karafiátu
člen Karafiátu
inspicient na ochotnickém představavení
návštěvník hospody
gardedáma v tanečních
Ignát Herrmann (Otec Kondelík a ženich Vejvara – román)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Giuseppe Verdi (Rigoletto /Ó, jak je měnivé/)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Dobeš)
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer Marie Grossová
Singer Ljuba Hermanová
Song Composer Giuseppe Verdi
Singer Saša Rašilov
Otec Kondelík a ženich Vejvara
Otec Kondelík a ženich Vejvara
Father Kondelík and the Bridegroom Vejvara
Vater Kondelík und Bräutigam Vejvara
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 10 July 1937
end of filming 12 August 1937
date of censorship 11/1937
date of censorship 04/1940
withdrawal from distribution 04/1945
date of censorship 11 October 1945 (konec povolení k promítání 11. 10. 1947)
withdrawal from distribution 1947
withdrawal from distribution 12 December 1957
premiere 14 January 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Hollywood /2 týdny/ a Praha /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 20 October 1945 /suitable for youths/
Koruna (původní 1937), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945)
feature film
116 min
3 299 meters
black & white
without subtitles
Event: Čestné diplomy časopisu Filmové listy
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Koruna-film, půjčovna a prodej filmů, s. r. o.
Event: Státní záruky Československé vlády na výrobu filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Koruna-film, půjčovna a prodej filmů, s. r. o.
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