Eva Batelová, the daughter of a poor cottager from Detva, has to marry the rich farmer Ondřej Mikulčík. Her widowed father had forced her into the marriage even though he knows that the father and his old mother are hard people with whom Eva can only expect a hard life of drudgery. Mikulčík is jealous of Eva's former love, the servant Matúš Ďurovič. Eva's little sister Anča is witness to Mikulčík's cruel treatment of Eva and runs off into the forest to find Matúš. Anča is mortally wounded by a falling tree but, as she lays dying, she manages to tell Matúš that Eva is being beaten. The young woman goes to Matúš's cottage during the night to warn him that Mikulčík is coming for him. Ondřej discovers this in the pub and himself hurries over to the cottage. Fleeing the din of the fight, Eva believes that Mikulčík has killed the young stable boy and, after all the suffering she has endured, begins to lose her mind. In the morning, Eva's husband is found dead and Matúš is arrested. It is not until the trial that old Mikulčíková, plagued by her conscience, reveals that Matúš is her grandson, the son of her daughter whom she had driven from her home on discovering the pregnancy. It is finally proven that Mikulčík died as the result of an accident and Matúš is set free. He returns home just in time to save Eva's life as she attempts to commit suicide by drowning in the river.
The première outside Prague was held already on the 12th of September 1937 in Bratislava.
čeledín Matúš Ďurovič
Ondrej Mikulčík
Eva, Mikulčíkova žena
Martin Batel, Evin otec
Zuza, Mikulčíkova matka
čeledín Ďurko
Marka Mešková, Ďurkova milá
mlynář Samo Kováčik
Kováčiková, mlynářova žena, matka Marky
malá Anča, Evina sestra
bača na Mikulčíkově salaši, Matúšův kmotr
děvečka na statku
hostinský Géza Kalocsay
dozorce vězňů
Josef Hobl (Súmrak nad Detvou – divadelní hra)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Miloš Smatek)
Singer mužský sbor
Matčina zpověď
Matčina zpověď
A Mother's Confession
Matkina spoveď
Die Beichte einer Mutter
Detvanská krev / Súmrak nad Poľanou / Súmrak nad Detvou / Soumrak nad Detvou / Soumrak nad Poľanou / Oblaky nad Polanou
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 5 June 1937
end of filming 7 July 1937
date of censorship 09/1937
date of censorship 5 January 1940 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 1943 (predikáty „lidově hodnotný film“ a „film pro Den hrdinů“)
withdrawal from distribution 01/1945
preview 12 September 1937 (Bratislava, Slovensko)
premiere 10 June 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Hollywood /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
89 min
2 543 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles