Anna Svojanová - grandmother, mother, and mother-in-law - is known to her family as Kvočna (Mother-hen), because everyone goes to her with their sorrows and joys. Her eldest daughter Míla decides to divorce her husband Jiří so she may marry her new love, the member of parliament Topol. Míla's daughter Věra is at boarding school. The other daughter of Mother-hen, Olga, looks after her formerly ill husband Petr so diligently that she destroys the whole of his love and he divorce her. Petr and Jiří maintain good relations with their former mother-in-law. Věra and her friend Katynka are expelled from the boarding school on account of their modern ideas. On the train they meet Ivan, who asks Věra out on a date. At the station a woman with three children is there to meet Ivan. Nevertheless Věra goes out with him because she is in love with him. Their relationship, however, is not without its repercussions and Věra, who believes her lover to be married, leaves to go abroad without giving him a forwarding address. After a time she writes Mother-hen that she has a son. Jiří meets Katynka and after a while they marry. Katynka, now Věra's step-mother, looks for Ivan Musil's family. It comes out that the woman at the station was his sister. Věra may return home to the arms of her future husband.
Anna Svojanová zvaná Kvočna
Olga, dcera Svojanové
Míla, dcera Svojanové
kancléř, přítel Svojanové
Věra, dcera Míly
Jiří Ventura, první muž Míly
poslanec Jaroslav Topol, druhý muž Míly
Pavel Klenka, třetí muž Míly
Petr Tůma, první muž Olgy
spisovatel Jan Průša, druhý muž Olgy
Katynka Svatá, přítelkyně Věry
hospodyně u Svojanové Kadla
dr. Ivan Musil
Ivanův bratr Břetislav
Břetislavova žena
služka u Svojanové Madla
ředitelka dívčího penzionátu
dívka v penzionátu
dívka v penzionátu
dívka v penzionátu
dívka v penzionátu
dívka v penzionátu
dívka v penzionátu
dívka v penzionátu
dívka v penzionátu
Edmond Konrád (Kvočna – divadelní hra)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Pavel Haas)
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 3 July 1937
end of filming 27 July 1937
date of censorship 09/1937
withdrawal from distribution 04/1940
date of censorship 04/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 24 September 1937 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Fénix /2 týdny/ a Lucerna /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 October 1983 /suitable for youths/
AB (původní 1937), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1983)
feature film
96 min
2 720 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, English
without subtitles
Event: Filmová cena země České
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Růžena Nasková
Event: Státní záruky Československé vlády na výrobu filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia