The newlyweds Hanuš return from their wedding with the resolution that there will be no antagonisms and quarrels between them. Their decision, however, does not last even one day. Lily, the wife, runs away from home after the first squabble. During her absence Hanuš's uncle and aunt Růžena come for a visit. Hanuš, to conceal the rift with Lily, introduces to his relatives his cousin Eva from Prague as his wife. Lily misses the train to her parent's place and returns home, where Hanuš must pass her off as his cousin. During this time extensive manoeuvres are taking place in Klatovy and Hanuš must also put up in his villa two officers, Captain Kovalský and Lieutenant Dvořák. Kovalský falls in love with Eva and Lily flirts with Dvořák. Aunt Růžena makes advances at the lieutenant and on account of him wants to divorce her husband after thirty years of marriage. At a party given at the close of the maneuvers Lily reveals the whole ruse. Kovalský is happy that he may woo Eva without any barrier, aunt Růžena reconciles with her husband, and the Hanuš and his wife promise to never argue with each other again.
300 metres of documentary material frmo the military manoueuvers of the Czechoslovak army and cavalry is used in the film.
Oldřich Hanuš
Lily, Hanušova žena
Eva, Hanušova sestřenice
kapitán Kovalský
nadporučík Dvořák
strýc Angelín
teta Růžena
kuchařka u Hanušů Fany
komorná Stázi
sluha kapitána Kovalského Josef Beránek
advokát JUDr. Antonín Chytra
obecní zřízenec Jabůrek
přítelkyně Evy
zákazník u holiče
holič Hanák
vojenský kuchař
dirigent venkovské kapely
důstojník na slavnosti
host na slavnosti
taneční mistr
Marie Blažková (Rozvod na zkoušku – román)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Dol Dauber)
Song Composer Dol Dauber
Writer of Lyrics Daisy Jelenová
Singer Máňa HankováEman Fiala
Song Composer Dol Dauber
Writer of Lyrics Daisy Jelenová
Singer Jára PospíšilZita Kabátová
Song Composer Jiří Voldán
Song Composer Dol Dauber
Song Composer Ferdinand Škrobák
Klatovští dragouni
Klatovští dragouni
The Dragoons of Klatovy
Úsměv léta
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 24 November 1937
date of censorship 12/1937
end of filming 7 December 1937
withdrawal from distribution 01/1940
date of censorship 01/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 28 November 1945 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 25 February 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Juliš /2 týdny/, Metro /1 týden/ a Praha /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
99 min
2 820 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles