Řina Weberová, the daughter of a retired colonel, is the proprietress of a poorly prospering photo-studio. Her elderly friend, banker Václav Novák, is secretly giving her financial support because he is in love with her. One day Řina meets a childhood friend, Vincenc Špaček, who has started his military service in Prague. The enterprising Vincenc with his inseparable fellow-soldier Vendelín Křídlo give Řina's studio a great deal of advertising in their garrison, so that the soldiers flock to Řina to be photographed by her. Even First Lieutenant Novák turns up there one day and at once falls in love with Řina. Řina's father finds out that banker Novák has been visiting his daughter and wants him to marry her. Novák would like to do so with pleasure, but when he learns that Řina loves First Lieutenant Novák, his own son, he steps aside. The young couple no longer has anything standing in the way of their happiness. Vincenc and Vendelín - the army twins – are pleased that they were able to help Řina.
vojín Vincenc Špaček, v civilu obuvník
vojín Vendelín Křídlo, v civilu drogista
Josef Weber, rakouský důstojník v. v.
Jiřina, Weberova dcera, zvaná Řina
bankéř Václav Novák
nadporučík Zdeněk, Novákův syn
Alexej Maximovič Ursakov, bývalý ruský generál
Marie Špačková, hospodyně u Webrů, Vincencova matka
Marie Křídlová, Vendelínova žena
Karlíček, Křídlových syn
štábní rotmistr Karel Svědínek
Svědínkova nevěsta
maďarský vojín
Rézi, služka u Novákových
Matylda, služka u Novákových
komorník Petr
paní domácí
tajemník fy Novák
tajemník fy Novák
tajemník fy Novák
štábní kapitán Hájek
svědkyně Svědínkovy nevěsty
Josef Stelibský (Nám je hej – opereta)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Bedřich Smetana (Prodaná nevěsta /Proč bychom se netěšili/)
Hudba 5. pěšího pluku (Music Conducted by Josef Stelibský)
Song Composer Bedřich Smetana
Writer of Lyrics Karel Sabina
Singer Ladislav Pešek
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer Hana Vítová
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Hana Vítová
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Ladislav Pešek
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer Gustav Nezval [dab]
Armádní dvojčata
Armádní dvojčata
Army Twins
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 5 November 1937
end of filming 17 November 1937
date of censorship 12/1937
date of censorship 12/1945 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 4 February 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Avion /2 týdny/ a Hollywood /3 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
94 min
2 655 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, Hungarian, Russian
without subtitles