The young agricultural worker Jan Aleš from the Šumava mountain region is called up to join the army. He likes his new environment and so he stays on after his service has ended. He is also successful during his entrance exams for the military academy. His best friend at the college is Milan Jurčík who has to force him to go into town on his nights off to keep him away from his books. They make the acquaintance of two girls and Jan falls in love with one of them - Zdenka Jiříkovská, the daughter of an industrialist. The girl returns his feelings but her father will not hear of the match. He has no son but he hopes that his daughter will marry someone who will take care of the factory in the future. Christmas approaches and the soldiers go back to their families. Jan is invited to the Jiříkovskýs. Milan's brother Michal is to return on Christmas Eve from a flying competition abroad. His wife and small son, mother and brother wait in vain for him to come. Michal has been killed in a plane crash. Jan asks to be released from the army so that he can marry Zdenka. A mobilisation is announced and Jan cancels his request. Zdenka is proud of him, as is his future father-in-law. The soldiers must return; although they have yet to see battle, they are fully prepared to defend their country.
posluchač vojenské akademie Jan Aleš
posluchač akademie Vladimír Boucha
Bouchalova matka
letec, posluchač vojenské akademie Milan Jurčík
vdova Jurčíková, Milanova matka
štábní kapitán Michal Jurčík, bratr Milana
Michalova žena Olga
malý Rostislav
továrník Jiříkovský
dcera Jiříkovského Zdenka
teta Jiříkovská
Růžena Králová
generál, velitel akademie
kapitán, generálův pobočník
plukovníkův pobočník
poručík akademik Novotný
posluchač lesnické školy Kareš
starosta Vávra
děvče ze střelnice
rekrut Dvořák
kapitán vojenské akademie
kapitán, profesor balistiky na akademii
profesor akademie
letecký instruktor
konzul v Egyptě
majitel střelnice
zpívá árii z Libuše Bedřicha Smetany
kadet vytahující vlajku
host na plese
host na plese
štábní kapitán Václav Motejl (vojenství), štábní kapitán Bernard Kapitola (vojenství), K. Stropák (vojenství)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Bedřich Smetana (Libuše)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Roman Blahník), Hudba 28. pěšího pluku Tyrše a Fügnera (Music Conducted by Jan Pešta)
Song Composer Karel Hašler
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer František Dibarbora
Song Composer Karel Hašler
Writer of Lyrics Karel Hašler
Singer Božena Šustrovámužský sbor
Song Composer lidová píseň
Song Composer Bedřich Smetana
Writer of Lyrics Josef Wenzig
Singer Marie Podvalová
Neporažená armáda
Neporažená armáda
Army Undefeated
Hraničtí rytíři / Vlast nás volá / Dvacátého prvého května
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 5 September 1938
end of filming 23 September 1938
date of censorship 10/1938 (kulturně-výchovný)
withdrawal from distribution 03/1939
premiere 28 October 1938 /suitable for youths/ (kina Lucerna /2 týdny/ a Pasáž /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
77 min
2 170 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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