Helena Frýdlová is getting ready for her wedding. Her husband-to-be, the kind but earnest professor Artur Čejka, takes a walk the evening before the wedding day. On the river bank he stops a young woman from committing suicide. The woman, Káťa Holanová, is an actress unable to find work and now without a penny to her name. After the wedding ceremony Mr and Mrs Čejka go on their honeymoon by train. On the train Čejka again meets Káťa, who is travelling without a ticket and asks him to buy her one. He gets off with her briefly at Brno station but the train suddenly leaves without them. Helena cannot understand what has happened, but since she is facing an evening with relatives in Bratislava, she asks a fellow passenger, a young sportsman called Evžen Gregor, to pose as her husband for one evening. They take a room in a hotel, Gregor checking in under the name of Čejka. Artur and Káťa then arrive and the misunderstanding is cleared up. Helena and Káťa become friends. Artur now has to pretend to be Gregor, which leads to many problems. After spending the evening together, Evžen and Káťa become close. Gregor's father, director of a theatre, offers Káťa work and his son offers Káťa marriage.
Helena Čejková rozená Frýdlová
Helenina matka
herečka Káťa Holanová
profesor Artur Čejka
Blažková, Čejkova bytná
mistr šermu Evžen Gregor
strýc Petr
teta Emilie
Tonelli, učitel šermu
vrchní číšník v hotelu Carlton
Lorenz, ředitel hotelu Carlton
Richard, portýr v hotelu Carlton
průvodčí ve vlaku
pasažérka ve vlaku
spící pasažér
železničář v Brně
Jiří, Čejkův příbuzný
služka Věra Rohlíčková
ředitel Velké zpěvohry Gregor, Evženův otec
tajemník Velké zpěvohry Mudroch
divadelní sluha
strýc Karel, host na svatební hostině
host na svatební hostině
herec Velké zpěvohry
herečka Velké zpěvohry
hotelový holič
vrchní číšník Ferdinand
host v hotelu
host v hotelu
host v hotelu
přítelkyně Heleny u vlaku v Břeclavi
přítelkyně Heleny u vlaku v Břeclavi
divák ve Velké zpěvohře
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef DobešLuděk Pacák)
Song Composer Luděk Pacák
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer František Krištof-VeselýOldřich KovářAdina Mandlová [dab]Eva Gerová [dab]Stanislav Strnad [dab]
Singer Adina Mandlová
Singer Adina Mandlová
Svatební cesta
Svatební cesta
Honeymoon Journey
Die Hochzeitsreise
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 16 August 1938
end of filming 5 September 1938
date of censorship 10/1938
date of censorship 11/1939
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 28 October 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Máj /2 týdny/ a Světozor /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
92 min
2 630 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles