Ladislav Tůma, a clerk at a Prague savings bank, has unexpectedly inherited one and a half million crowns from a wealthy uncle who lived in Africa; there is, however, a condition attached to the inheritance, namely that he must employ his trusted butler Vlastimil Chytráček for a year. The sinister Ševčík, Tůma's colleague from an amateur sports club, has his eye on the latter's girlfriend Hana and he has Tůma thrown out of the club under suspicion of being a professional. Tůma is fired from the savings bank since it is the belief that, if a clerk has a butler, he must be an embezzler to have that amount of money. Ševčík also finds out about the will and its condition. Hana urges Tůma to sack Chytráček. Ševčík offers the unusual butler a job as manager in his pressing shop. Tůma discovers that he must "have the status of an employed person" with Chytráček for one year so he accepts the position of apprentice at the pressing shop, thus fulfilling the conditions of the will. He becomes friends with the former butler and tells him that he will share his inheritance with him after the year is up. Ševčík is too late. Chytráček even helps Tůma patch things up with Hana who had left him because of Ševčík's intrigues.
úředník záložny a sportovec Ladislav Tůma
komorník Vlastimil Chytráček
krejčí a básník Václav Mourek
Hana Karlíková, Tůmova snoubenka
JUDr. Karlík, prezident sportovního klubu, Hanin otec
Ing. Josef Ševčík, člen sportovního klubu
sportovec Baloun
notář Pazdera
ředitel záložny Kopecký
pokladní v záložně
Josefa Kadeřábková, Tůmova bytná
sekretářka notáře Pazdery
opilý zákazník
zákazník záložny Josef Kebrle
kustod klubu
člen klubu
člen klubu
člen klubu
člen klubu
členka klubu
ošetřovatel z blázince
zaměstnanec kanalizační služby
zaměstnanec kanalizační služby
fanda na kopané
fanda na kopané
akordeonista v orchestru
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Roman Blahník)
Song Composer Roman Blahník
Writer of Lyrics Antonín ČejkaKarel Kozel
Singer Arnošt Kavka
Song Composer Roman Blahník
Writer of Lyrics Antonín ČejkaKarel Kozel
Singer Jindřich Plachta [dab]sbor
Pán a sluha
Pán a sluha
The Lord and his Butler
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 12 April 1938
end of filming 25 April 1938
date of censorship 08/1938
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1940
date of censorship 06/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 7 May 1947 (konec povolení k promítání 7. 5. 1948)
withdrawal from distribution 7 May 1949
premiere 30 September 1938 /suitable for youths/ (kina Letka /1½ týdne/ a Máj /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 30 May 1947 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Máj /4 týdny/, Praha)
AB (původní 1938), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1947)
feature film
86 min
2 447 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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