Vanda Karhanová is so delectable that she always has problems with her colleagues in her jobs. Now entering a new job, she dresses in such a way that the men will not notice her. But in her new guise she only looks like the daughter of the millionaire Baret, Ruth, who ran away to escape marriage. Detained by the police quite by chance, Vanda is found to have a large amount of money on her. She was taking the money to the bank. But since she does not go back to her job at the factory, people think she stole the money. But the factory owner Vydra trusts Vanda and says she did not steal the money. He does not realise however that Vanda is the girl he met at the fortune teller's and fell in love with. The arrival of the real Ruth only serves to complicate matters. Vanda is released but straight away kidnapped by a gang of robbers who think she is Ruth. They demand a ransom. When Vanda manages to get free of them, she arouses the distrust of the factory owner Vydra who takes her to be his chief clerk's fiancée. But everything is sorted out in the end and Vydra obtains not only Vanda's love but also a lucrative order.
Vanda Karhanová/Ruth Baretová
Čechoameričan Baret
továrník Jiří Vydra
detektiv a spisovatel Edgar Valach
Anča Hadrabová, Valachova snoubenka
obchodník Patera
továrník Krouský
manželka továrníka Krouského
prokurista Malý
disponent u Krouského Kutil
policejní inspektor
věštkyně Cibulková-de Thébes
stenotypistka u Krouského Lída
úřednice u Krouského
zřízenec u továrníka Vydry Suchomel
náčelník vyděračské bandy
kluk před penzionátem
ředitelka dívčího penzionátu
úřednice u Krouského
člen bandy únosců
člen bandy únosců
člen bandy únosců
muž od benzinu
obecní strážník Mikyska
obecní strážník
Miloš Křenovský (Vandiny trampoty – román)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Julius Kalaš)
Vandiny trampoty
Vandiny trampoty
Vanda's Troubles
Wandas Plagen
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 08/1938
date of censorship 12/1939
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 2 September 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adrie /1 týden/ a Amerika /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
84 min
2 380 meters
black & white
without subtitles
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