Jindřich Tůma, partner in a store selling "Asana" gas masks, has a very energetic wife who publicizes a vegetarian diet. Tůma expends all his energy in secretly eating meat dishes and solving crossuond puzzles. The real soul of the enterprise is Eng. Ivan Kareš, who also conducts the exercises for the civil defence. During an air-raid exercise on the street he severely reprimands a young girl who has not taken cover. This is Věra, Tůma's niece, who has come from the country to study in Prague. Tůma's son Jirka was to have collected her at the train station, but they missed each other. Věra enters the seventh year of school and soon she is sharing the enthusiasm of her schoolmates for an unknown composer whose pseudonym is Michal Marhan. Kareš is giving a lecture to the seventh year students on civil defence and so he again meets with Věra. Kareš attempts to convince the girls of the necessity of concrete ideals. At the premiere of Marhan's operetta 'Song of Joy' it comes out that the composer is in actuality Kareš. The girls give him an ovation. Deliberately Ivan does not notice Věra, with whom he just recently had a falling out. The obstinate girl decides to leave home. Kareš, however, catches up with the train and comes to Věra's compartment.
The film contains documentary shots of public training by the Civil air-raid defence.
Jindřich Tůma, společník firmy Asana
Nina, Tůmova žena
Jiří, syn Tůmových
Věra, neteř Tůmových
Ing. Ivan Kareš alias skladatel Michal Marhan
hospodyně Amálka
ředitel gymnázia Kubát
septimánka Soňa Urbanová
Viktor, zákazník firmy Asana
Viktorova žena
lékař MUDr. Marek
tenorista na večírku
prodavačka v gramofonovém závodě
profesorka dějepisu
profesor chemie
Kohoutek, zřízenec u firmy Asana
hajný Kotrč
prodavačka u firmy Asana
prodavačka u firmy Asana
vousatý zákazník
ředitel Salač, společník firmy Asana
divák na premiéře
divák na premiéře
ředitel divadla
herec v operetě
herec v operetě
baletní mistr
průvodčí ve vlaku
cestující ve vlaku
Jaromíra Hüttlová (Ideál septimy – román)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Stelibský)
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer Oldřich KovářBajo trio
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer SetleřiBajo trio
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer Oldřich Kovář
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Ideál septimy
Ideál septimy
High School Dream
Das Ideal der Septima
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 09/1938
date of censorship 10/1939
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 27 October 1945 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 16 September 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Letka /2 týdny/ a Máj /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
78 min
2 210 meters
black & white
without subtitles