Musical clowns Rik and Rak, Švamberk and his daughter Zdeňka, scrape a living by travelling round village fairs. Zdeňka confides in the old clown Tom and tells him that her father grew up at Lípov castle located nearby but that his father disinherited him for marrying a comedienne. Following Tom's advice, Zdeňka sends her grandfather a promotional photograph and asks to meet with him. She is then invited to the castle but, since her grandfather, judging by the photograph, thinks she is a man, Zdeňka has to pretend to be his grandson. Grandfather hires a tutor and Zdeňka soon falls in love with the young and attractive Jiří. Grandfather's friend and his daughter Lída arrive at the castle; Jiří initially shows slight interest in Lída. He tells "Zdeněk", however, that he prefers the romantic type, like the mysterious dona Isabella in the painting in the hall. When a costume ball is held at the castle, Zdeňka decides to dress as Isabella and wins Jiří's heart. In order to drive Lída out of the castle, Zdeňka and the faithful servant Dominik dress as ghosts. Zdeňka's secret is then revealed and she leaves the castle in shame. Grandfather and Jiří try to find her and the former makes his peace with both son and granddaughter.
hudební klaun Rak, vlastním jménem Zdeňka
hudební klaun Rik, otec Zdeňky
statkář Jaroslav Švamberk, dědeček Zdeňky
sluha na zámku Dominik
notář Jan Setunský
Ing. Jiří Kristen, notářův synovec
starožitník Cyril Kulich
Lída Kulichová, starožitníkova dcera
starý klaun Tom
hotelový vrátný František Blecha
hotelový sluha Josef
pouťový vyvolavač
divák v cirkuse
divák v cirkuse
kuchař na zámku
číšník na večírku
sólová tanečnice na večírku
host na večírku
host na večírku
host na večírku
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Erno Košťál)
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Writer of Lyrics Felix de la CámaraKarel Lamač
Singer Věra FerbasováLudvík Veverka
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Writer of Lyrics Felix de la CámaraKarel Lamač
Singer Ludvík VeverkaVěra Ferbasová
Singer Věra Ferbasová
Pozor straší
Pozor straší
Watch Out for the Ghosts
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 31 October 1938
end of filming 16 November 1938
date of censorship 12/1938
premiere 23 December 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Letka /1 týden/, Máj /2 týdny/ a Ráj /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
91 min
2 600 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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