The young Věra accepts an offer from her friend Kajetán who has arranged for her to work in Dominik's puppet factory. She enchants her employer so much that he falls in love with her. Dominik's mother takes note of her son's interest in the girl and immediately has her fired. Kajetán, who works in the studio of Výr the sculptor where mechanical puppets are made for commercial promotion, asks Věra for help. He wants her to pretend to be a puppet since his was damaged just before it was to go on show. Věra agrees to take up the challenge. Věra's acting skills are so convincing that Mrs Dominik shows great interest in the mechanical puppet and she urges Kajetán to organise a promotional tour of the Republic. Věra thus has to continue her "role" and finds herself in various awkward situations during the course of the tour. A misunderstanding leads to the arrest of Kajetán and the innocent Dominik in Karlovy Vary, while Věra manages to escape. In the end, however, everything is explained, the invention is finally ready and robot no.2 - the real one this time - wishes Věra and Dominik, who are now engaged, best wishes for the future.
strážník Bedřich Vrba
manželka strážníka Vrby
Kajetán, syn Vrbových
Věra, podnájemnice u Vrbů
továrník Antonín Dominik
továrníkova matka Adéla Dominiková
sochař Jaroslav Výr
sochařova přítelkyně Hella
redaktorka Maryna Tečková
detektiv Liška
účetní Bonifác Žalud
operetní hvězda
vrchní policejní komisař
podvodník James Robber alias Petr Dostál
podvodník Joe Cheat alias Moučka
podvodník Jim Cheat alias Moučka
vrátný v hotelu
zaměstnankyně u Dominiků
sekretářka redaktorky Tečkové
hotelový sluha
hotelový sluha
hotelový sluha
číšník v Karlových Varech
orchestr v divadle
Josef Zezulka, MUC. Gustav Čibera
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav MottlJosef Neuberg
Singer Máňa HankováVěra Ferbasová
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Jan Grmela
Singer Věra Ferbasová
The Doll
Robotka č. 1
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 28 February 1938
date of censorship 03/1938
end of filming 19 March 1938
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1940
date of censorship 06/1960 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 31 March 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adrie /2 týdny/ a Máj /2 týdny/, Praha)
Metropolitan (zadavatel), Meissner
feature film
90 min
2 551 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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