While creating his richly structured filmography during the 1930s, director Karel Lamač contributed substantially to Vlasta Burian’s successful acting career. This penultimate feature film made by the popular comedian and the successful filmmaker is a loose adaptation of Konto X (Account X), a play by Rudolf Österreicher. It tells the story of the profligate Rispaldic family, whose debts are constantly being attended to by lawyer Faukner. The admirer of the family’s daughter, the witty and devoted official Ducháček, is embodied by Burian. He both manages to save his boss and arrange the marriage of Faukner and his love, Julia. The lovers in this timeless First Republic comedy are portrayed by Ladislav Hemmer and Adina Mandlová. Mandlová also appears in the subsequent – and last – feature film made through a collaboration between Burian and Lamač, the comedy U pokladny stál... (He Stood at the Till..., 1939).
Jan Ducháček runs the law firm JUDr. Faukner in an eccentric, but thoroughly committed way. The firm is administering financial matters for the Rispaldic family. The members of this aristocratic family are all condescending towards their lawyer Faukner except for the daughter Julie, who is secretly in love with him. Nobody but Ducháček knows that the profligate family has no money left and that JUDr. Faukner is privately subsidising them because he loves Julie. Ducháček does not hesitate to work through the night to enumerate to his boss all the debts the family Rispaldic has. Under pressure from her mother Julie turns down the lawyer's marriage proposal, although she does admit she loves him. Faukner who is now out of money himself makes Ducháček to come up with 25,000 crowns himself to pay off a bill of exchange that Julie's brother fraudulently signed. Ducháček prepares an auction at the Rispaldics' manor house to raise the funds the family needs to pay off its debts. The banker Zamoski arrives, one of the Rispaldics' biggest creditors. The wily Ducháček makes Zamoski concede that a bill of exchange that the late admiral Rispaldic had allegedly signed years earlier is in fact a fake. The family thereby gets out of financial straits. The grateful family now has nothing against JUDr. Faukner's marrying Julie.
The opening titles include shots of the members of the film crew and actors.
ředitel advokátní kanceláře Jan Damián Ducháček
advokát JUDr. Jiří Faukner, Ducháčkův šéf
Alžběta z Rispaldiců, vdova po admirálovi
Julie z Rispaldiců, Alžbětina dcera
student agronomie Ervín z Rispaldiců, Alžbětin syn
korvetní kapitán v. v. Quido Krištofovič, Alžbětin otec
advokát baron Kurt Bertrand
Helena, dcera barona Bertranda
rozvoduchtivý manžel Jan Rabas
Brigita, Rabasova žena
bankéř Ignác Zamoski
komorník Vilém
kastelán Dudek
písařka u Fauknera
Kolomazník, koncipient u Fauknera
věřitel Rispaldiců
věřitel Rispaldiců
věřitel Rispaldiců
hospodář Josef Zmok, klient advokátní kanceláře
Tuci, Rabasova milenka
kuchařka u Rispaldiců
Juliina přítelkyně
on sám v úvodních titulcích
on sám v úvodních titulcích
on sám v úvodních titulcích
on sám v úvodních titulcích
on sám v úvodních titulcích
on sám v úvodních titulcích
on sám v úvodních titulcích
on sám v úvodních titulcích
četba úvodních titulků
Rudolf Oesterreicher (Konto X /Das Konto X/ – divadelní hra), Rudolf Bernauer (Konto X /Das Konto X/ – divadelní hra)
Vratislav Innemann, Baudys
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Eman Fiala)
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Sternwald
Singer František Krištof-Veselý
Ducháček to zařídí
Ducháček to zařídí
Ducháček Will Fix It
Ducháček schafft alles
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 14 February 1938
end of filming 23 February 1938
date of censorship 05/1938
date of censorship 12/1939
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
projection approval 1968
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1993
gala premiere 2 June 1938 (kino Alfa, Praha)
premiere 3 June 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Aleš /9½ týdne/, Praha)
renewed premiere 24 January 1969 /suitable for youths/
renewed premiere 24 November 2022 /suitable for youths/
Metropolitan (původní 1938), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1969), Národní filmový archiv (obnovená 2022)
feature film
90 min
2 447 meters
35mm, DCP 2-D, BRD
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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