On her 40th birthday Mira Tobišová does not receive congratulations from her husband, the fifty-year-old bank manager Mr Tobiš who is warding off the spectre of old age by dalliance with his young lover Helga. Mira suspects what is going on, but chooses to suffer in silence because she still loves her husband. Her daughter Fan, a newly wed, however, does not understand father's behaviour at all and is incensed by it. Fan begins to observe the conduct of her own husband, the secondary school teacher Panýr. Fan fears that he, too, will one day foresake her for a younger woman. She therefore decides to flirt with another man, so that her husband is not so cocksure of her love. Events lead to the collapse of relationships. Fan rows with her father. Tobiš's marriage is on the rocks as well. Tobiš comes to think his lover Helga is deceiving him with another man, even maintaining him on his (Tobiš's) money, and he splits up with her. But straight away he begins an affair with a young shop assistant. Then he crashes his car and winds up in hospital. Mira, ever faithful, hurries to him and spends many days at the hospital checking how he is. Only then does the banker realise how much his marriage is really worth. Fan and her husband also explain everything to each other and nothing now stands in the way of their love.
bankovní ředitel dr. Fráňa Tobiš
Mira, Tobišova žena
Fan, dcera Tobišových
profesor Vojtěch Panýr, Fanin manžel
Helena Urbanová, Miřina teta
dr. Jan Kafka
studentka Helga Hyšková
Vasil Ivanovič Mantov, milenec Helgy
filozofka Naušová, Panýrova kolegyně
prodavačka Oldřiška
Sudíková, Oldřiščina matka
Andula Oplatková, Fanina přítelkyně
školník Janeba
detektiv Bureš
Pepík, Burešův syn
panská u Tobišů Baruška
řidič Václav, Baruščin milý
MUDr. Lhota
školní zřízenec
host u Miry
host u Miry
host u Miry
host u Miry
host u Miry
host u Urbanové
zákaznice v trafice
Růžena Utěšilová (Klekání – román)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Dobeš)
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Druhé mládí
Druhé mládí
Second Youth
Zweite Jugend / Abendläuten
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 15 May 1938
end of filming 27 May 1938
date of censorship 07/1938
withdrawal from distribution 01/1940
date of censorship 01/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 27 June 1941
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 7 October 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Juliš /1 týden/ a Světozor /1 týden/, Praha)
renewed premiere 07/1941 /inaccessible for youths/
Arko (původní 1938 a obnovená 1941)
feature film
107 min
3 056 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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