Mr Klučina, owner of a fashion house, devises an unusual publicity gimmick with his marketing head, Mr Muška: a top fashion model, Boženka, will travel round the republic incognito dressed in his costumes and anyone who recognises her will win a prize. At a hotel in the Krkonoše mountains Boženka, on the advice of Muška who is accompanying her, enters the name Mrs Martenová in the guest book. Unfortunately a woman whose real name is Mrs Martenová has a suite reserved, and confusion results. Mrs Martenová's stepson Jan arrives at the hotel to visit her and since he has not seen his father's new wife assumes it is Boženka. Jan is accompanied by Daisy who once was Muška's girlfriend. One of the guests, Mr Nehasil, recognises Boženka. Klučina arrives at this moment and tries to prevent the exposure. When Jan finds out Boženka is not his mother he asks for her hand in marriage because he is in love with her. Boženka happily accepts. Muška makes up with Daisy. Klučina does not lose any money because the competition began in the morning and ended in the morning, and Mr Nehasil recognised Boženka in the evening.
manekýnka Božena Smolíková
Rafael Klučina, majitel módního závodu
Filip Muška, reklamní šéf Klučinova závodu
závodník Jan Marten zvaný Big John
továrník Jan Marten, otec Big Johna
Maruška Martenová, Big Johnova nevlastní matka
Čechoameričanka Daisy Brožová
továrník Jakub Sesle
ředitel Nehasil
Želva, ředitel hotelu Sokolská bouda
Pěnkava, portýr hotelu Sokolská bouda
manekýnka Růža
manekýnka Zdeňka
manekýnka Anča
zákaznice v módním salónu
host v bratislavském hotelu
host v bratislavském hotelu
člen sportovního výboru
člen sportovního výboru
divák na závodech
divák na závodech
divák na závodech
ředitel hotelu
recepční v bratislavském hotelu
recepční v pražském hotelu
recepční v brněnském hotelu
vrchní v horském hotelu
číšník v horském hotelu
zřízenec v horském hotelu
podomek hotelu Sokolská bouda
dívka v auditoriu
opilý muž v brněnském hotelu
host v bratislavském hotelu
host v bratislavském hotelu
host v brněnském hotelu
Vladimír Rohan (Pařížanka – opereta), Václav Špilar (Pařížanka – opereta), Karel Tobis (Pařížanka – opereta), Václav Mírovský (Pařížanka – opereta), Jára Beneš (Pařížanka – opereta)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Jára Beneš)
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Václav ŠpilarVáclav MírovskýVladimír RohanKarel Tobis
Singer František Krištof-Veselý
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Václav ŠpilarVáclav MírovskýVladimír RohanKarel Tobis
Singer František Krištof-VeselýVěra Ferbasová
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Václav ŠpilarVáclav MírovskýVladimír RohanKarel Tobis
Singer Věra FerbasováStanislav StrnadEva GerováFrantišek Krištof-Veselý
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Václav ŠpilarVáclav MírovskýVladimír RohanKarel Tobis
Singer František Krištof-Veselý
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Václav ŠpilarVáclav MírovskýVladimír RohanKarel Tobis
Singer Stanislav Strnad [dab]
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Slečna matinka
Slečna matinka
Miss Mother
Fräulein Mama
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 22 March 1938
end of filming 2 April 1938
date of censorship 05/1938
date of censorship 05/1940
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 10/1945 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 19 August 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Letka /2 týdny/ a Máj /3 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
99 min
2 830 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, English
without subtitles
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